Interview with widower, Grayson Pierce, from Whiskey and Sunset Nights by T.L. Anderson

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Grayson Pierce is struggling as a single dad but he’s doing the best he can in his new normal, until feelings for his late wife’s best friend, Lily Dean start to grow more than expected. Can they work through their loss together while falling in love with each other? Readers will swoon for this second chance romance featuring a sexy widower. Fall in love with your next book boyfriend with Whiskey and Sunset Nights by T. L. Anderson, the next book in the Single Dad’s Romance series.

Meet widower, Grayson Pierce, from Whiskey and Sunset Nights by T.L. Anderson, and he is looking for a second chance at love.


After losing the love of his life to cancer, Grayson Pierce finds himself struggling with his new normal as a single dad. Moving back home to southern Minnesota with his five-year-old daughter Ella, feels like the only option to keep his sanity.

Living on his family farm, he spends his days taking care of Ella and running his construction company – working small jobs to keep his mind off things. Until Lily Dean shows up in his kitchen.


Losing her best friend to cancer was the worst thing that could have happened to her. Having Ella and Grayson back in her hometown, keeps the memories of her friend burning in her mind.

Spending her days running her own bookstore, Lily takes Ella under her wing, allowing her to explore the world of books and helping her cope with the loss of her mother. But then, there’s Grayson.

He’s her best friend’s husband, or was.

With each passing day, Lily and Grayson find their once casual friendship slowly flourishing into something more. 

Can they work through their respective loss and let love in or are they destined for nothing more than a few shots of whiskey and sunset nights?

Grayson Pierce, 34

Child: Ella Mae Pierce, Age 5

Quick Bio

Growing up in southern Minnesota with my parents and brother Asher on our family farm was the best life I could have asked for. I met my wife Missy when we were ten, that’s when our friendship first formed. Swimming in the lake all summer, making memories with her and our friend Lily was the start of my future and I didn’t even know it at the time. When I graduated high school I went to college for my masters degree in architecture and undergrad in construction management. Missy and I got married before college; after we graduated we moved out east where we started our lives together and built our dream home. I started up EllaMae Construction which led us to opportunities we never expected while Missy worked at the local hospital in the ICU as the Charge RN. We had Ella five years ago, both of us excited and scared for the new journey we were on. I moved Ella and I back to Minnesota to live with my dad and brother after… well after Missy passed.

What advice would you give to other single fathers?

Single parenthood is difficult, sometimes you’re thrust into it without warning like I was. Be sure you have a support system for yourself but most importantly your kids. They need family and friends around who help with the transition, people they can talk to. Be sure to listen to your kids, not just what they say but what they don’t say also. Their actions really can show you what they need or what they’re missing. Oh and learn to cook. You can only stomach so many microwave meals.

What’s the hardest part of parenting on your own?

Knowing that Ella will grow up without her mother by her side for the important moments in her life. I’ll have to fill both roles as her father and mother. Seeing her miss her mom and not being able to bring her back kills me. As a single dad, I need to be there for her in ways I’m incapable of. But I will try my hardest to be everything she needs.

What’s a skill every single dad should/what tool should he have in his arsenal?

Cooking. You need to know how to make things more than popping a tray in the microwave. That and how to fix hair. At Ella’s young age she hasn’t noticed how unruly her hair is, but it’s best to learn now before they start school and need to keep their hair out of their eyes. A quick ponytail tutorial video helps.

What’s your favorite thing to do with you kid(s)?

I love to take Ella to the beach and horseback riding. Seeing her happy as she swims in the lake, it makes this whole single parenting thing easier. And teaching her to ride and care for her pony Oreo, that is something that builds skills for her but also I can see the love she has for her pony.

If you could teach your child(ren) one thing what would it be?

To love with all your heart and never let moments pass in anger. That life is meant to be lived with passion. I hope Ella never loses her fiery spirit, she’s a spitfire that keeps you on your toes and doesn’t let you forget what’s most important. I want her to keep that, to learn it’s okay to be unique.

Anything else we should know?

Life as a single parent is hard, but it isn’t impossible. The support system is a must, find your people. The ones who will be there for you in the middle of the night when the kids are sick and you need help. The people who can sense when you’re struggling and jump in without having to ask, but be sure you do ask for help. You don’t have to go through it alone. That’s the most important thing to remember, you’re never alone in this.

Seven single dads, all from different walks of life and doing the best they can to raise their children – are ready to make you fall in love. 

From the celebrity dad just trying to protect the ones he loves from the spotlight…to the silver fox who’s out to prove it’s never too late to have a family of your own – this single dads collection guarantees to bring you a whole lot of love and of course, a happily ever after. 

Look no further, your next book boyfriend is here!

Add the whole series to your TBR list today!

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About T.L. Anderson

T. L. Anderson currently lives in Wisconsin where it’s freezing cold in the winter and has five months of enjoyable weather year round. Her house is filled with constant chaos between her teenage daughter and infant son, two rambunctious dogs, a stubborn cat, and guinea pigs that keep her and her husband on their toes. Since the age of three, she has loved reading and creating her own stories in her mind. Now her passion has developed into a career. After earning a certificate from the Children's Institute of Literature she decided it was time to put the multiple characters in her head onto paper so she can share their stories with the world. She’s the author of multiple novels which include new adult, romantic suspense, and paranormal reverse harem. She has a slight obsession with doughnuts, coffee, and dinosaurs. When she's not writing you can find her lurking on social media looking for new books to read, taking care of her mini-zoo at home, or having her nose stuck in a book.

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