Wait with Me by Amy Daws

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Wait with Me by Amy Daws

Released March 20, 2018

When romance novelist Kate Smith suddenly gets writer’s block as she’s beginning the final installment of her international bestselling erotic Bed ‘n Breakfast series, she’ll do pretty much anything to get her groove back. 

Like sneak into a Tire Depot waiting room because her words flow there just like complimentary coffee-smooth, sweet, and scorchingly hot.

She manages to fly under the radar until the rugged and charming mechanic, Miles Hudson, notices the quirky redhead slinking in and out of the employees only entrance. 

But she’s way too intriguing to blow the whistle on. 

Doing a test-drive of her new book idea sounds like a much better option.

Wait with Me by Amy Daws was such a cute, humorous story! 

I’d been wanting to read Wait with Me since the Tires, Tires, Tires shenanigans a while back and I finally made the time to read it. The beginning and the end of the book were fantastic, but I struggled through the middle of the story, granted I’d just come down off one of the biggest book high’s from The Au Pair when I started Wait with Me.

I found our mainly, blue collar hero hot as hell, because he was just so different from the typical alpha CEO I’d been reading it was refreshing! Miles was a tad on the alpha, possessive side, but I loved that because I felt like it fit with him because he has all the testosterone pumping daily. He was also sensitive and ugh. Miles was just perfection!

I felt like Kate Smith was Amy and I often found it difficult to disconnect the two. I’m sure with the way the book played out with Amy actually writing at a tire store is where this comes in. I was also frustrated with Kate because she didn’t say things when I wanted her to say them and it made me a bit crazy.

Overall, Wait with Me was a fun read and what I needed in between two suspenseful thrillers.

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