The Best True Crime on Netflix
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I haven’t really been into reading as much these days, and I spend a lot of time talking about that on Instagram not so much here, there are just fewer and fewer posts here, but what I have been into is True Crime. I binge listen to my favorite podcasts, pretty much all day while I work and when I lay down to go to sleep.
When I’m not listening, I’m watching true crime on Netflix. Some are documentaries, some are dramatized versions of actual cases and to be honest, I love them both. What I don’t like are the stories of kids getting killed and abducted or when innocent are put in jail.
These mini-series and documentaries are my favorites on Netflix!
***Please note that these are not suitable for all audience and viewer discretion is advised because of these get downright graphic!**

(As of 9/30/2020 all of the true crime on Netflix were available, but the streaming platform is constantly changing so keep that in mind.)

American Murder: The Family Next Door
This is a documentary on Chris Watts and how he murdered his family. This just released and I haven’t finished it at this point, because I find it extremely difficult to watch the murder of children. I mean, we aren’t going to see the kids murdered, but just the knowing it… hurts like hell.
I will finish this soon and if you have the stomach for it, check it out!

Conversations with a Killer: The Bundy Tapes
This is one that I loved! In fact, I’ve watched it twice now! This is a truly fascinating watch because you actually get into the mind of a killer. Not that we ever truly understand these sociopaths but just these little tidbits are mindblowing.
There is so much real footage that if you just vaguely know about Bundy you will feel like you know him on a personal level after watching it and you can see how he fooled so many people for so many years, but you will also not understand because he was so arrogant at the same time.

Killer Inside: The Mind of Aaron Hernandez
This documentary, whoa! I guess when this case was in the news I didn’t really pay attention because there was so much happening that I didn’t know going into the show. The thing is there is so much that we will never because he did end up taking his life and honestly it was heartbreaking. The man had so much potential and I’m choosing to believe that in the end he did in fact regret what he did and then killed himself in hopes of being able to provide for his wife and daughter.
That said, with the attorney that he had I think he had a great chance of getting out of it. If that man can keep Casey Anthony out of jail I think he could have kept Aaron out as well.

Dirty John
This is not a documentary but a tv dramatization and it is so good! Diary John is a gifted con artist but not good enough to outsmart this woman’s daughters, they are skeptical from the beginning about John, with good reason. Honestly, John reminded me of one of my ex boyfriends. Manipulative men are the worst! *full body shiver* I also listened to the podcast on this story, and the underdog element of it really makes it worth the watch!

*Badass women alert* This is another dramatized version of a story, this time on a serial rapist. It’s told from the points of view of the two female detectives and their team of detectives working to bring him in. They worked tirelessly to bring him down, spent sleepless nights and believed in women when no one else would.
We also get the point of view from one of the victims which a detective in another jurisdiction didn’t believe and that, I know I sound like a broken record, but it was heartbreaking again. I know so many women have dealt with that and haven’t come forward because of the fear of that happening to them.

American Crime Story: The People Vs OJ Simpson
Okay so this happened when I was a kid and I only vaguely remember things, like the glove not fitting… and that’s basically it lol.
What I found the most surprising.. Shocking? Was how nasty these people treated each other! The way the defense publicly attacked the prosecutor and put her appearance on trial was just disgusting. The trial, in my opinion, was about so much more than just trying to find Nicole’s killer. And I honestly doubt that many people these days actually know what OJ was on trial for.
This show was very educational for me to watch and although I was frustrated and wanted to scream at people for the way they behave, I really enjoyed it!

Evil Genius:The True Story of America’s Most Diabolical Bank Heist
This one was a bit different, it’s a documentary on an insane bank robbery attempt and it just gets wilder from there, not quite Tiger King level crazy but it does out there. I honestly don’t remember if they ever actually figured out who the mastermind was or if it was just speculation, but when you start episode one, you are in for one hell of a ride!
You have a poor random pizza delivery guy blown up because of these people’s need for money and it just gets more bizarre from there, just me on this, this a rollercoaster of a case and you will definitely enjoy it!
I have seen many other true crime documentaries and I have enjoyed them, but these are my favorites! Be my friend on Instagram and DM with which ones you love or that I need to watch or add this to your story and tag me!