Text Me Baby One More Time by Teagan Hunter

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 Text Me Baby One More Time by Teagan Hunter is a second chance romantic comedy that will hurt your heart and have you laughing in the next breath.
Text Me Baby One More Time by Teagan Hunter

Released February 10, 2019

I love you, he said.
Forever, he said.
Turns out, he lied.

When he leaves me high and dry after a cross-country move, I push him out of my life as much as I can, which is hard to do when the guy who broke your heart also happens to be the most famous dude in town.

After a disastrous year, he’s aiming to rehab his reputation, and I just so happen to be aiming for a promotion at the paper.

So, we strike a deal, and it’s a win-win all around.

Besides, what’s the harm in a few dates to charity galas anyway?

He’s arrogant, a total jerk. There’s no way I’ll fall for him…again.

I used to love him. Now I hate him…I think.

I received this book for free in exchange for an honest review. This does not affect my opinion of the book or the content of my review.

Text Me Baby One More Time is our final texting book from Teagan Hunter, it’s a bittersweet day, but the story was beautiful and I want to re-read and binge this series. If you haven’t started this series now, lucky for you all four books are in kindle unlimited and you can binge read them right now. Although, they do all standalone, these characters are all intertwined and the friendships are on point that I would recommend reading in order.

Once again, Teagan’s writing was witty and the sexual tension was on point. Text Me Baby One More Time was probably the most emotional story of the four. This story is so much more than slapstick comedy (not that the others were) but the second chance romance in this story was heartbreaking on many fronts.

Lot’s of people will probably think our hero is an asshole, but I really didn’t get that from him, because I knew what was in his heart and he was a really good guy that occasionally did bad things, kind of like.. Wreck It Ralph. 

Text Me Baby One More Time, was told in two timelines, current time and when they first ‘met’ via text nearly a decade ago. It was a blast watching them fall in love then and now.

I particularly loved watching everything come full circle, not just with their relationship, but the book series as a whole. Things that happened way back in Let’s Get Textual are explained and other small things throughout the series. 

Text Me Baby One More Time is a filled with a group of friends that I would love to nerd out with, Teagan nailed this series finale and these are books I will enjoy coming back to over and over.

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