Smut-a-thon Wrap Up

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I did it! I participated in my first ever read-a-thon!  I began my foray with Smut-a-thon, hosted by BookTubers, Riley Marie and Ginger Reads Lainey. Make sure you check out my romance recommendations based on the categories for Smutathon.

There were seven categories for Smut-a-thon: Enemies-to-lovers, Friends with Benefits, Fake Relationship, Slow Burn, Forbidden, Different Worlds and One Night Stand.

I finished reading four books; Man Hands by Sarina Bowen, When We Kiss by Tia Louise, Hate 2 Lovers and K. Webster and JD Hollyfield and Birthday Girl by Penelope Douglas. I also ended up dnf’ing Megaballs by Erin Noelle and Hail Mary by Julianna Marley.

Man Hands by Sarina Bowen & Tanya Eby


I don’t know why I hadn’t read Man Hands sooner, but I loved and never wanted it to end! I can’t wait to dive into the rest of the series!

I read Man Hands as the one nightstand book, but it also fit for fake relationship.

The humor was a little over the top but I couldn’t get enough of this story and will continuing this series.

Hail Mary by Julianna Marley

I really enjoyed the beginning of this story, but it didn’t really grip me where I could speed read it and for a readathon, I wanted books that I would blow through. It was my pick for slow burn and I guess it was burning too slowly lol.

Had I had more time it may not have been a dnf for me, but it was told in third person which I find difficult to read. I probably won’t go back and read it.

When We Kiss by Tia Louise

I’d been told repeatedly that I will love this one and shout out to you Bex for being right! This book was sweet, sexy and funny! It was an opposites attract. Bad Girl meets ‘Good Boy’ who really wasn’t that good if you know what I mean *wink wink*

When we kiss hit the spot for me and I will be reading her best friends story, When We Touch!

Megaballs by Erin Noelle

I ended up dnf’ing this one as well. Although, I loved the premise of this one, our hero was really kind of a douche. I am assuming he will end up redeeming himself and he will stop being a self-centered prick. And I hope that our heroines sister will also stop acting like trash, unfortunately I just didn’t have the time or patience to wait and see.

Smutathon is a readathon hosted by Ginger Reads Lainey and Riley Marie on YouTube where read romance novels for a week straight!

Hate 2 Lovers by K. Webster & J.D. Hollyfield

Oh my word! I knew that I would like this story, but I didn’t realize I would like to the degree that I did! Because hey! It’s a pregnant heroine! I obviously didn’t read that part of the the blurb, whoops but I freaking love pregnant girls in books and so I was basically salivating when we found out she is pregnant!

And let me just tell you, she will make any pregnant woman feel sane. So, if you are feeling like a crazy person, check this one and you won’t feel that way for long! I will read the rest of this series!

Forbidden Romance

Birthday Girl by Penelope Douglass

Well…. I loved the first 75% of this story, it so hot like I was turned on during the majority of the story, but the end just really felt rushed to me. I wanted more conflict there and sadly it just really disappointed me. I don’t know if all the hype for this story just set the bar really high or if it was the build up throughout the book, but I just really didn’t like the ending of this story.

Well that’s a wrap! I technically hit all of the tropes because several of the books overlapped, I would have liked to have read more books this week, but with Christmas being right around the corner I was busy with family in town. Hopefully there will be a third round in the summer and I will do better then.

Tell me in the comments if you’ve read any of these and if you think I should go back and give the one’s I dnf’d another try!

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