Best Single Mom Romance Books

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I posted recently about books where couples meet online and about the struggles of online dating, but what makes that even harder is being a single mom.  I am often inspired by women in fiction with their wit and how strong they are these single mom romance books have these women in surplus. These women will do anything for their child(ren) and are an inspiration to single mom’s everywhere.  

These single mom romance books show that there is still hope and that even though you are a single mom and sometimes feel like no man wants to deal with you plus your child, that there are some good men out there and we can find ourselves a man still.

These single mom romance books show that there is still hope and that even when life is hard that you still have a chance at love.

Seduction and Snacks by Tara Sivec

This is probably the funniest single mom romance I have ever read and the odds that you have already read it are high, but if you haven’t you are missing out on a hilarious take on being a single mother.

Tempt the Boss is an enemies to lovers office romance filled with hilarious pranks and a man who falls in love with a single mom.

Tempt the Boss by Natasha Madison

Lauren is a single mom and is strong and fierce AF! You can’t help but admire the balls she has to stand up to her jerk of a boss.

Stripped Down by Emma Hart

Cassie, our single mom is one headstrong woman who will stop at nothing to give her child everything she can, plus she is sassy and hilarious as an added bonus!

The Air He Breathes by Brittainy C. Cherry

Elizabeth struggles to keep it together after losing her husband and tries to stay strong for her daughter while finding herself again, but seeing her put herself back together really shows how resilient she is. 

The Sex Bucket List by Prescott Lane is an adorable single mom romantic comedy that will have you laughing and learning to love yourself as a mom.

The Sex Bucket List by Prescott Lane

The Sex Bucket List is a story that every mother, single or married will be able to relate to. We all end up putting ourselves last and we all deal with a time of mom guilt. And The Sex Bucket List is about finding ourselves again after we realize that we have lost ourselves and identify more as a mother, wife, daughter than we do as our self.

Hot for His Girl by Rachel Blaufeld is one of the best single mom books I've read in a while, with relateble character, perfectly balanced with comedy and angst.

Hot for His Girl by Rachel Blaufeld

Hot for His Girl by Rachel Blaufeld is one of the best single mom books I’ve read in a while, with relateble character, perfectly balanced with comedy and angst. It’s not to be missed by the hustlin’ mommas out there!

I Knead You Tonight by Teagan Hunter

Drew is such a badass single mom, she literally gives her son the shirt off of her back for him and makes so many sacrifices to make sure that her child never goes without!

Best Laid Plans is a secret baby and best friends brothers romance that hit me right in the gut. It was balanced perfectly with heart and humor.

Best Laid Plans by LK Farlow

As a single mother with a son from a one night stand, I was able to relate to and understand Natalie in a way that I’m not sure everyone will be able too. She is forced to make some very difficult decisions at a very young age and although she may regret them, I get it it and have made the same decisions myself.

Heartbreaker is emotional, steamy and uplifting. A single mom romance that will stick with me for years to come. My heart broke, but was also healed.

Heartbreaker Logan Chance

Cat was a single mom, who, like myself has full custody of her son. I always feel a closer connection to single moms when I read, the fact that Cat had full custody and her dad and step-mom, helped by watching him, this was just really special for me. Because. That is my life. Cat is a strong woman who does everything she can to protect herself and her son from the Heartbreaker, Booker.

Getting a Grip by M.E. Carter

Seeing Elena’s personal growth and finding her confidence again while getting a grip on her new life unfold before my eyes was amazing.  I really enjoyed her coming into her own, the way she cared for her three daughters while balancing dating, the struggle with her ex-husband and taking care of herself.

Hero by Lauren Rowe

Lydia has had a rough go of things and a lot to overcome, I love watching her overcome what’s holding her back and what was at first a combustible relationship slowed down into a tortuous slow burn romance. 

All of You by Fabiola Francisco is a must read for all lovers of forehead kisses and men willing to go the distance for the woman they love!

All of You Fabiola Francisco

Cassidy Rae was a jaded single mom (shout out!) My situation is nearly identical to Cassidy’s except my home life is very different, but the circumstances surrounding her daughter. Same. So much the same.

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  1. Have you read The Hot Mess and the Heartthrob by Pippa Grant? She’s a single mom running a bookstore (with a Hot Mess Bookclub, bring your own wine night) and he’s a former boy band current pop star who gets lost in his own hometown. It is crazy and ridiculous and I love it. 🙂

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