Exclusive Interview with S Massery

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I am so excited to have a chance to chat with S Massery ahead of her latest release, Wicked Games. This is the second book in her Fallen Royals series of dark bully romances.

I am so excited to interview author S Massery and share the covers for her upcoming bully romance, Wicked Games.

HEA Novel Thoughts: Are any characters based off of you, friends, family, or anybody in your life?

S.Massery: I put most of myself into my first book. But that’s just the nature of that book—it’s very real. It was my heart going onto the pages. Now I’m writing darker stuff, and I would hate to say I’m basing those characters on anyone I know! One thing I like to do is give my characters the same birthday as friends and family. It helps me remember the character’s birthday and gives my friends & family a nice little shout out, too!

HEA: Is there a certain place where you get more inspired to write than others?

S.M.: In the car. Not actual writing while driving (don’t recommend that!), but ideas come to me in the car while I’m listening to music. It’s easier to think.

HEA: What made you start writing? 

S.M.: I’ve always been drawn to stories—telling them and reading. I’m a pretty quiet person, so writing out my thoughts is a lot more natural. It took me forever to pick a major in college, and when I finally picked English Writing & Literature, absolutely no one was surprised. (Except me.) Capturing a beautiful turn of phrase is one of my favorite things.

HEA: Have you ever cried while writing?

S.M.: I don’t think so. There are scenes that break my heart but I don’t think I’ve shed a tear over them. Not yet, anyway…

HEA: How do you balance writing with real life?

S.M.: I’m fortunate to have some quiet time at my full-time job to write. I do have to force myself to go outside on the weekends—I thank my dog for that—otherwise I’d be cooped up trying to get all the words in or handling the admin side of being an author. However, none of it feels like work because I love doing it.

HEA: Are your book settings based on a real place? Your favorite place?

S.M.: It’s a mix, actually! The smaller towns that my characters find themselves in are all made up, but they do bounce around some real-life places—Boston, Seattle, and Miami, to name a few. My favorite place is Boston. I went to college there, so it’s really close to my heart.

HEA: What makes a great romance novel?

S.M.: Tension, an epic first kiss, and a good plot twist.

HEA: If a reader discovers your books today, where would you recommend they start reading?

S.M.: I have a few different series. If you’re looking for a darker read, definitely start with Wicked Dreams. It’s the first of my dark high school bully romance series. Blood Sky kicks off my action-packed romantic suspense series, and Something Special is the first of my contemporary duo. All of my books are free to read in Kindle Unlimited.

About Wicked Games

𝐈 𝐥𝐨𝐯𝐞𝐝 𝐡𝐢𝐦. 𝑯𝒆 𝒃𝒆𝒕𝒓𝒂𝒚𝒆𝒅 𝒎𝒆.

He tried to ruin my chance of happiness, but I’m not going down so easily.

There are questions I need answered. Secrets that need to be brought into the light. And a king who needs to be taken off his throne.

I’m still the object of his obsession, but I can work around that.

They say all’s fair in love and war. But if Caleb Asher taught me anything, it’s that this is definitely not love.

What do you think, Caleb? Are you ready for one last game?

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About S Massery

S. Massery is a romance author of varying sub-genres. She lives in Western Massachusetts with her dog, Alice.

Before adventuring into the world of writing, she went to college in Boston and held a wide variety of jobs--including working on a dude ranch in Wyoming (a personal highlight). She has a love affair with coffee and chocolate. When S. Massery isn't writing, she can be found devouring books, playing outside with her dog, or trying to make people smile.

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