UGH, I Can’t Stand Alpha Holes!

I swear some romance trends just fire me up and tick me off and I need to rant and vent about it! One that always seems to trigger me is ALPHA HOLES! 

I cannot deal with these types of men.  They are arrogant, prickly assholes who borderline abuse ‘their woman’. This is not okay for me.  If any man ever treated me the way these alpha holes treated their women it would be red flags EVERYWHERE.

I swear some romance trends just fire me up and tick me off and I need to rant and vent about it! One that always seems to trigger me is ALPHA HOLES!


A man does NOT need to know where you are and what you’re doing and who you are with at ALL times! This is POSSESSIVE AND CONTROLLING.  If someone flirts with you, that does not warrant an ‘ass beating’. In fact, if a man’s automatic response is violence when something displease him you should turn and run far away.


This is not love, you are an object at this point.  His shiny object that no one else can touch.

There is a clear difference between an ALPHA MALE and an ALPHA HOLE.  A regular alpha, if there is a thing still shows respect and puts his girlfriend first, but does it in respectful way, not in a way that violent or treacherous.

It’s like they constantly have something to prove, they have to thrust their ‘alpha-ness’ on to everyone. I mean come on! We get it. You are dominate. *eye roll* You oh great one, have more money than anyone and you can kick anyone’s ass. Yay, you!


Okay, I know that a lot of readers really dig this type of thing and if you love that, no judgement here, because hello, my all time favorite book boyfriend is an assassin and a hacker! 

Do you think that there is a difference between an alpha MALE and an alpha HOLE?

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