Romance Novels Set Expectations Too High

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I’ve heard people say for years that romance novels set expectations too high and I never believed that.  But the more I think about it, since I have started reading romance I have changed my standards and expectations and it’s reflected in my lack of dating life. I can’t seem to find men worthy of me because if romance has taught me anything, it’s that I should have high standards and not to settle.  

Although, if romance novels were also to be believed I would start a no-strings attached sex-filled relationship that would develop into so much more.  

You really just have to pick and choose what you take to heart.  Is that to say that I couldn’t find love and an amazing relationship that started out as a friends with benefits relationship? Hell no.  I’m sure that has happened on many occasions. Has it worked for me in the past? Nope.

I hear all the time from my friends that I'm still single because romance novels set my expectations too high. What do you think?

I recently read Dating in the Dark and the heroine does speed dating… in the dark.  I immediately Googled to see if this was a real thing and if we had it in Dallas. Sadly we don’t, so I started thinking that maybe I should just do regular speed dating.  And this is where I think that romance has skewed my idea  of dating and relationships.

I’m sure that I would find some disastrous men and maybe one great man, but I have to wonder would the bad eggs be nearly as entertaining as the men in romantic comedies? Will the man I find make me swoon like all of my book boyfriends? I am constantly making up these epic meet-cutes where I meet the eyes of a man across the bar from me and I feel this sizzling zing snap down my spine. Or I drop something and when he hands it to me and our hands connect there is this shock and instant connection.  I’ve seriously gone as far as looking for small towns to move to, dreamed of moving to NYC because you know it’s easier to find love there than it is in Dallas. ←sarcasm

Several times a week I will come up with these scenarios and my co-worker will just give me this look and I’m like, yeah, I’m projecting my romance novels again.  It doesn’t help that I listen to love songs all day long as well and they help perpetuate these grand gestures and true romance to me.

Do I think that romance novels set my expectations too high?  No, I don’t think so. I do think that it leaves me more open to the idea of meeting my one true pairing any time, any place instead of thinking that I have to rely on swiping on my phone to find a man.

Do I think I could have a wrong number text me and he be the one for me? Sure.  Why not? Do I think that a country superstar is going to walk into my office and sweep me off my feet and live happily ever after? Probably not, but I definitely wouldn’t turn Brett Eldredge away.

I would love to hear your thoughts.  Do you think that romance novels set our expectations too high?

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  1. For me they don’t, but I know someone is out there actually being disappointed in real-life men.

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