Romance Authors Define Romance

I mentioned last week, August is Romance Awareness Month!! YAY! So, let’s set the mood, shall we? Marvin Gaye, check. Candles lit, lights turned down low, check. Bubbles floating in the bath, check.  Book in hand, check.

When I got started on this post, I thought that defining romance would be easy, until I sat down and really started thinking about it.  Defining romance is not an easy thing to do. It is so many things wrapped up into a package that has been written a million different ways.

For me romance is the build up, the slow simmering anticipation, the dates the courtship. It’s all of it.

Why don’t I leave the definition of romance up to the experts?  Check out what these amazing authors had to say:

Check out how T.M. Frazier defines romance on my IGTV Channel!

Jessica Park Defines Romance

Jana Aston defines romance

Daryl Banner defines romance

Penelope Ward defines romance

kylie scott defines romance

Helen Hoang defines romance

How do you define romance??

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