Written in the Sand by D.B. James

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Written in the Sand is an inspiring story about finding life after loss, you'll be put through the emotional wringer but left with a full heart.
Written in the Sand by DB James

Released May 9, 2018

Writing your wishes in the sand and believing in the magic of them coming true is for children. Tenley Grace stopped believing in the enchantment of them the day she lost her husband of twelve years. Left with an obliterated heart, she struggles to find the woman she once was.
Stumbling upon sexy tattoo artist, Case Ballantyne, could be the perfect distraction she needs to help her pick up the pieces again. His time in town is temporary which is exactly what Tenley is looking for.
Fate keeps bringing them together even when life should keep them apart.
Can a wish Written in the Sand by Case withstand the storms life throws at them or will it forever be washed away with the tide?

I received this book for free in exchange for an honest review. This does not affect my opinion of the book or the content of my review.

Written in the Sand is an inspiring story about finding life after a devastating loss. You will be put through the emotional wringer but you’ll be left with a full heart.

I usually struggle to connect to depressed characters or characters that have lost someone close to them, because I personally haven’t ever dealt with these issues. This is going to sound harsh, but I’m just not good with empathy. I’m more of one of those, you just got to get over it people.


I felt such real, raw emotions throughout Tenley’s journey. I went through the blinding rage with her, the disbelief, the healing and love. There is so much more to Written in the sand than her depression. It doesn’t define anymore. She was was on a journey back to discovering herself before she was married.

And what a beautiful journey it was. Finding herself, her friends and her words. Written in the sand is a story of triumph and over coming even the most challenging obstacles and falling in love.

Want more books about love after loss? Check out the Love You Trough It and The Wright Love.

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