Winter Break by Andrea Johnston

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 Winter Break was a coming of age novella series that deals with real life issues and circumstances, I wish we could have had a little more from this series.
Winter Break by Andrea Johnston
Series: Phoebe & Madsen

Released December 21, 2017

I never believed in labels or defining a relationship. At least, until Madsen Secksin crawled into my bed. Blinding me with his movie star good looks, perfect words, and forever promises I never stood a chance.

But as we head into the world, starting our careers, and creating our lives, I wonder if I took too long – too long to find love and too long to start believing in labels.

While my heart walks the streets of Manhattan, I brave the sandy beaches of Santa Cruz. Alone.

Perseverance and determination. Both should be my middle name. Waiting for Phoebe Stromberg to declare her feelings and accept the label of “girlfriend” required both. Three thousand miles separates us, but I’ve never loved or missed her more.

It may take an entire Winter’s Break to shorten the miles between us, but I know we can get there. Together.

Winter Break: The promise of new beginnings and forever kinds of love.

I received this book for free in exchange for an honest review. This does not affect my opinion of the book or the content of my review.

“A piece of my heart breaks. I want to believe we can make it, that we’re strong enough for the distance between us. I don’t know if that and love are enough.”

Winter Break is the conclusion of Phoebe and Madsen’s story and I went in with really high expectations that weren’t quite met for me. Although it stayed consistent with the first two stories in the novella series I just wanted something… more… I guess that’s the word.

Most of Winter Break was spent with Phoebe and Madsen on separate coasts and when they were together they were having an abundance of sex. I know so readers love all the sex, but I found myself skimming the scenes and when it’s already a short book that’s not a good thing for me. I found their relationship in Winter Break to be heavily based on their sexual attraction with the emotional connection to be a side note.

“It’s his heart and how he so freely gives it to me that makes me melt and fall in love all over again with him every single day.”

Now when they put clothes back on I really enjoyed their story. I adore their best friends and Phoebe’s parents. I would love to revisit this couple when they get engaged and married. I was pretty sad that we didn’t get the engagement at the end of this story, because I don’t feel like their story is truly over.

Winter Break was a coming of age novella series that deals with real life issues and circumstances and I wish we could have had a little more from this series.

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