Trouble’s What You’re In by Danielle Allen

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Trouble's What You're In by Danielle Allen

Released May 28, 2020

Trouble’s What You’re In

It was a prank.
It was a stupid prank.
I didn’t know all the details, but the plan seemed simple enough.

Get in.
Get out.
Get even.

My job was to flirt with my crush Aiden Black.
Yeah… THAT Aiden Black.

But the night didn’t go as expected.

I knew the plan, but I didn’t expect it to be more than that.
I knew it was a prank, but I didn’t expect it to be a set up.

I didn’t go looking for love.
I didn’t go looking for trouble.
But somehow, when I ran for my life, I found both.

Umm hello drama, death and slow burn romance!

Trouble’s What You’re In by Danielle Allen had me hooked and needing to know what happened from the moment I started reading the story. It starts in the middle of the action and she’s running but we don’t know why or from whom. Goodness! My heart was thudding in my ears and I dying to know what would happen next!

I read the blurb for this and still didn’t fully grasp what I was going into and I think going in basically blind to the story is what makes it so great. You know what didn’t happen from the beginning but you don’t know what actually happened until the very end, and this girl… had it all wrong! I thought I knew who the bad guy/girl was, but nope. I was wrong.

But the way we found out what happened was so beautifully cunning and I freaking loved it!

Now, onto the romance… it took me a bit to figure out who the romance would be between and then once I did I was dying for them to bang already! Like pull your head out of your butt and jump him, will ya?

Goodness, the tension was palpable and I was panting from how hot is was. If you are looking for a sexy as hell slow-burn romance, you need to check out Trouble’s What You’re In. Trust me on this… this is not a story you want to over look!

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