The Merry Lives of Spinsters by Rebecca Connolly

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The Merry Lives of Spinsters by Rebecca Connolly is the first book in the Spinster Chronicles and it's a hilarious must read historical romance novel.
The Merry Lives of Spinsters
Released May 1, 2018

Spinster is as spinster does…

Georgiana Allen is a spinster and everybody knows it. She also happens to be one of the writers for the Spinster Chronicles, and everybody knows that as well. She’s accepted her lot in life, and, along with the other spinsters in her circle, takes great pride in the articles she writes and the influence she has. Then Captain Anthony Sterling infiltrates their group, and her life, and Georgie impossibly begins to hope once more.

Tony Sterling had no idea what to expect when he agreed to break up the Spinsters for his cousin, but he certainly did not expect Georgie Allen. From the very first meeting, she upends everything he thought a spinster would be, and her beauty and wit keeps him on edge in thrilling ways. The more he gets to know the Spinsters, the less he wants to break them up. And the more he wants Georgie in his life. Permanently.

I received this book for free in exchange for an honest review. This does not affect my opinion of the book or the content of my review.

The Merry Lives of Spinsters is such a charming read! While reading this story I found that I adopted, or attempted to adopt, the character’s dialect. From the moment I read about The Spinster Chronicles I knew that I needed to take this story for a spin! 😉 (Pun intended!)

Georgie and the rest of the Spinsters stole my heart from the beginning! Their wit and intellect was on point! They were informative while also humorous! At the beginning of each chapter we get a snippet from the Chronicles that foreshadows the chapter ahead perfectly.

The romance between Georgie and Tony was so sweet and adorable. After reading some dirtier reads, The Merry Lives of Spinsters, was just what I need with the hand holding and kissing being the furthest we see this couple. The banter between these two is quintessential and above par!

The Merry Lives of Spinsters is only my 5th book I’ve read in the historical/regency category of romance, and it was completely different than the others I’ve read which were more perilous than the society based and comedic plot of the Merry Lives of Spinsters. I will be waiting anxiously for the next story in The Spinster Chronicles!

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