The Au Pair by Emma Rous

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The Au Pair Emma Rous review.
The Au Pair by Emma Rous

Released January 8, 2019

A grand estate, terrible secrets, and a young woman who bears witness to it all. If V. C. Andrews and Kate Morton had a literary love child, Emma Rous’ The Au Pair would be it.

Seraphine Mayes and her twin brother Danny were born in the middle of summer at their family’s estate on the Norfolk coast. Within hours of their birth, their mother threw herself from the cliffs, the au pair fled, and the village thrilled with whispers of dark cloaks, changelings, and the aloof couple who drew a young nanny into their inner circle.

Now an adult, Seraphine mourns the recent death of her father. While going through his belongings, she uncovers a family photograph that raises dangerous questions. It was taken on the day the twins were born, and in the photo, their mother, surrounded by her husband and her young son, is beautifully dressed, smiling serenely, and holding just one baby.

Who is the child and what really happened that day?

One person knows the truth, if only Seraphine can find her.

The Au Pair was an unexpected intriguing read that I couldn’t put down! 

I found The Au Pair listed as a highly anticipated read of 2019 and then I read the blurb and I knew I needed to read this story! The beginning was slow to hook you, but once it did it slowly took you under it’s spell and consumed you.

The plot and the uncertain identities, the feel of someone after you and watching your every move will have you on the edge of seat and on the edge mentally. I thought I had things figured out, but then something would happen to make me question everything! I found myself talking to co-workers and explaining the story to them so that they could help me work this out. (Hint: they were clueless)

The Au Pair told in two points of views and dual timeline. I enjoyed how we were given just a morsel of the story at a time and how when we are reading we are uncovering the story right along with Seraphine. Learning what really happened that summer at Summerbourne was utterly spellbinding.

The entire story was wrapped up beautifully. My only negative thought on this book was that we didn’t get a happily ever after. I realize that The Au Pair in NOT a love story, but that doesn’t stop my hopeless romantic heart from begging for love story from the pages.

This is my Review of the Month for the review collection on

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