The Accidentals by Sarina Bowen

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The Accidentals is the break out Young Adult novel from Sarina Bowen and I hope this isn't her only dip in the young adult pond! 
The Accidentals by Sarina Bowen

Released July 10, 2018

 Never ask a question unless you’re sure you want the truth.

I’ve been listening to my father sing for my whole life. I carry him in my pocket on my mp3 player. It’s just that we’ve never met face to face.

My mother would never tell me how I came to be, or why my rock star father and I have never met. I thought it was her only secret. I was wrong.

When she dies, he finally appears. Suddenly I have a first class ticket into my father’s exclusive world. A world I don’t want any part of – not at this cost.
Only three things keep me going: my a cappella singing group, a swoony blue-eyed boy named Jake, and the burning questions in my soul. There’s a secret shame that comes from being an unwanted child. It drags me down, and puts distance between me and the boy I love.

My father is the only one alive who knows my history. I need the truth, even if it scares me.

I received this book for free in exchange for an honest review. This does not affect my opinion of the book or the content of my review.

The Accidentals by Sarina Bowen rocked my world! I have the vaguest idea of what would happen going in, but it was so much more! Surprising, heartfelt and devastating.

I’m a struggling hard to write this review. I have typed and retyped lines multiple times, and that’s because I am taking extra care not to spoil this for you. It is best experienced blind, with no hint outside of the blurb as to what will happen. I am going to do my best to do this book justice in this review, but GAH! It’s so so good!

To put it simply, it was an unexpected stunning story. I have only read one other story written by Sarina and it wasn’t really my favorite, so I honestly didn’t expect much from it, but damn. I was blown away. I felt physical heart breaking pain for Rachel at times. I’m talking you heart hits the floor because how does a girl recover from this after the other hits she has already taken kind of pain.

I simply enjoyed how The Accidentals was set in high school, because well, I don’t know about you, but I am a sucker for teenage drama! Give it all to me. I love it. This story isn’t filled with all of the high school cliche’s but it was fun being transported back into that time in my life.

The Accidentals is a break out YA for Sarina Bowen and I hope this isn’t her only dip in the young adult pond! If you enjoy young adult, you may enjoy Hate to Love You from Tijan!

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