Switch Stance by M.E. Carter and Andrea Johnston

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M.E. Carter and Andrea Johnston cross over their series to bring you Swtich Stance, where an author meets and falls in love with her skateboarding muse.
Switch Stance by Andrea Johnston, M.E. Carter

Released September 21, 2018

A #MyNewLife & Country Road Series Crossover Standalone 

I, Agnes Sylvester, a successful author known as Adeline Snow to the romance community, enjoy the simple things in life: watching the X Games with my childhood friend Todd; taking pictures of interesting buildings; and creating stories based on fantasies about my favorite skateboarder, Spencer Garrison. I’m known for my extreme sports stories, and as long as no one ever figures out he’s my muse, all is well.

But fate has never liked me and now that muse is standing in front of me. Asking me to sign a book.


“Extreme Sports Superstar” is the term the media has used to describe me over the years. I prefer to just be Spencer Garrison, a small-town guy who happens to ride a skateboard for a living and is known for philanthropy.

Nearing retirement, I’m focusing on my non-profit efforts and building a life outside of a professional athlete. My agent won’t let me retire in peace and consequently a talented and kindhearted woman stumbles her way into my life.

Sometimes happy endings aren’t written. They’re lived.

I received this book for free in exchange for an honest review. This does not affect my opinion of the book or the content of my review.

Switch Stance is a freaking cute story that will have you wanting to meet your real life muse! I loved how this story was sweet and clean, every now and then I need a break from all of the sex and this was the perfect balance of romantic and sweet with hand holding and stolen moments with obvious sexual tension.

We met our heroine, Aggi, in Amazing Grayson and I loved her then and I loved her even more after getting in her head. I spent a great deal of the story trying to figure out who was who when they discussed things in the story, and the best I can tell is that it’s a mash-up of a bunch of authors in one.

I thoroughly enjoyed Switch Stance, I was in a funky reading head-space when I dove in and it cured me! I am no longer dragging and I’m back on my reading game and I have Switch Stance to think for that!

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