Summer Break by Andrea Johnston
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Released August 25, 2017
I promised her we’d be more.
I promised I’d let her set the pace.
I keep my promises.
Phoebe Stromberg is the sun and moon to my day.
She sets my heart and soul on fire and not just between the sheets.
I’m determined to show her how great we can be and get one of the labels she refuses to admit I’ve earned – boyfriend.
Summer Break on a California beach with nothing but fun, sun, and orgasms should be plenty to prove just how great we can be.
A single email and an offer I can’t refuse threatens to make all my effortspointless.
Summer Break: When boys become men and my girl admits we’re more.
I received this book for free in exchange for an honest review. This does not affect my opinion of the book or the content of my review.

Summer Break, is everything I wanted and more! I was running through the gamut of emotions! I was angry, frustrated, nervous, laughed, cried and swooned!
Summer Break, unlike Spring Break, is told completely from Madsen’s point of view and I adored living in his head. But, I was very frustrated on his behalf because Phoebe refused to label their relationship and it made me crazy!
“We look like we’re dancing. Maybe we are. Sometimes it feels like we’re dancing around the future, never really moving forward and thankfully, not moving backward.”
The patience that Mads had in Summer Break was amazing, even though he wanted to go full on alpha male and he did once, and it was so hot! I had lots of bad gut feelings during this book and I was so anxious I wanted to scream!!!
“The reality is, you are my future Phoebe. I’ll do this at your pace and keep the labels off the table, but make no mistake, we are forever and you are what matters most to me.”
Swoon y’all! FREAKING SWOON! Madsen is amazing and I would love nothing to more than to bring him to life! If you are looking for sweet, anxiety inducing quick read with big proclamations of love, then you need to pick Summer Break up today!
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