Somebody Else’s Sky by Jessica Hawkins

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Somebody Else's Sky by Jessica Hawkins
Series: Something in the Way #2

Released May 22, 2017

If I closed my eyes, I could still see them—all blonde sunshine, ocean-blue eyes, and long limbs. The glint of Lake’s gold bracelet. Pink cotton candy on Tiffany’s tongue. My scenery may have changed from heaven to hell, but some things never would: my struggle to do right by both sisters. To let Lake soar. To lift Tiffany up. The sacrifices I made for them, I made willingly.

A better man would’ve walked away by now, but I never claimed to be any good. I only promised myself I’d keep enough distance. If I’d learned one thing from my past, it was that love came in different forms. You could love passionately, hurt deep, die young. Or you could provide the kind of firm, steady support someone else could lean on.

Lake was everything I wanted, and nothing I could ever have. I was nobody before I knew her and a criminal after. The way to love her was to let her shine—even if it would be for somebody else.

I thought I was ready and that I could handle Somebody Else’s Sky, I wasn’t.

“I hoped that Lake never thought of me, never worried about me. That I was far from her mind. At the same time, it killed me that I might be.”

My emotions are insane with this story… I felt violent, I was son angry!! But yet, I couldn’t put the book down and I devoured it like I couldn’t breath without this story in my life. This is my first series by Jessica and I honestly don’t have all of the word to describe how I am feeling at this moment. Unsteady, maybe? I talked to a lot of readers after the first book and I JUST KNEW what was going to happen.. I couldn’t have been more wrong.

Somebody Else’s Sky is one devastating surprise after the other. I loved it. I hated it. I need October so that I can finally have my happy ending! In the mean time someone please hold me.

I’m still speechless, even though I have managed to spit out some words here.

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