So, That Got Weird by Amelia Kingston

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 So, That Got Weird by Amelia Kingston is a funny college tutor romance that will have you laughing and falling in love from the beginning.
So, That Got Weird by Amelia Kingston
Series: So Far So Good #1

Released December 24, 2019

A painfully awkward love story.

Incomprehensibly awkward Elizabeth Wilde is desperate for love. Connection. Intimacy. After a lifetime of romantic failures, the twenty-one-year-old gamer realizes she needs help. Professional help. She needs…

A sex tutor.

The devastatingly hot jock Austin Jacobs is just the man for the job. As the reigning campus sex god, he has the playboy act down pat. But underneath those six-pack abs beats a broken heart. He doesn’t trust people and he sure as hell doesn’t believe in love.

The odd couple strike a deal. Four weeks of ‘tutoring’ for five thousand dollars.

When Austin coaxes Elizabeth out from behind her computer screen, the attraction they feel is undeniable. They’re both a little broken, but somehow their jagged edges fit. And when their world comes tumbling down on top of them, they each have to decide if this weird thing called love is worth fighting for.

Reader advisory: This book includes references to inadequate parenting, parental death, a parent with addiction. There are also scenes including the use of performance drugs.

So, That Got Weird by Amelia Kingston is a funny college tutor romance that will have you laughing and falling in love! If you have read, The Perfect First by Maya Hughes, then I think that you will really enjoy this one as well!

I would like to say that although our hero was a football player I would not consider this a sports romance, rather a college romantic comedy because Austin’s athletic career isn’t really a big part of the story.

Elizabeth is a gamer and a virgin and she’s ready to get rid of if, but unfortunately for her she is painfully awkward and doesn’t really know how to talk to a guy without panicking. So she does exactly what any college student would do… she finds herself a sex tutor!

What started off as funny easy romance became so much more when you realize that both Austin and Elizabeth have self doubts from their past. It’s honestly amazing that they didn’t self sabotage each other more. I was devoted to them getting together and working out all of their issues because it was obvious that they just clicked!

So, That Got Weird was a story that hooked me from the beginning and was light with just enough angst that I was able to read the story quickly without that unsettling feel in the pit of my stomach.

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