Small-Town Heart by Andrea Johnston

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Small-Town Heart is about girl with big city living dreams only to break down and realize that her heart belongs to a small town.
Small-Town Heart by Andrea Johnston

Released November 16, 2018

Without a plan in place and only a hundred dollars to my name, this big city girl born in a small town world headed for the bright lights of city life.

Four years later, I may have more money in my bank account, but somehow I’ve found myself back in another small town trying to build a life. Even though the residents of Fayhill have welcomed me like one of their own, this is only a detour, not a final destination.

Then I met Shane Abbott.

What’s a girl to do when a certain dark-haired dimpled cowboy, who fills out a pair of jeans like it’s his job with a smile that sets my soul on fire, has me considering burning my map?

The bright lights of city life never appealed to me. I like the quiet of small town life, and my hometown of Fayhill fits me to a T.

I never expected to meet Mercy Warner.

Love is the last thing on my mind. These days I work hard and mind my own business. So when a certain honey-haired spitfire blows into town, I take another look.

She may claim small town life isn’t for her, but the way she’s settling in tells me she might be open to the option. Refusing to let this opportunity to pass me by, I take another chance and put my small town heart on the line.

Surely the draw of the big city won’t burn me twice . . .

*Small-Town Heart is an expanded and full-length novel originally released as a novella, Mercy, and part of the Kindle Worlds*

I received this book for free in exchange for an honest review. This does not affect my opinion of the book or the content of my review.

I basically devoured Small-Town Heart by Andrea Johnston. It’s an expanded version of her novella, Mercy, that was originally published as part of a Kindle World. I hadn’t read it as Mercy, so the entire story was new to me.

I adored Mercy and Shane! They were cute together and I loved how even though it was tough they let each other go after their dreams and what they desired. I loved the small town of Fayhill and everyone in it!

Well except for Shane’s crazy ex-girlfriend who decided she needed to come back and cause nothing but problems. I would have gladly stabbed her in the eye for the way that she treated Mercy! I loved that even though Mercy was mad at Shane that she let him talk to her and explain things and they both acted as adults instead of being petty.

Small-Town Heart was romantic and swoony in the way that only small town life can be, where everyone knows your business and still loves you and treats you as family. When you’re ready to escape into your new favorite small town this will be your new go to read!

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