Rockstar by Lauren Rowe

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Rockstar by Lauren Rowe

Released April 29, 2019

It was lyrics at first sight when I saw Violet Rhodes across that crowded party. She was lights and darks, swirled together. Music in motion. And all of it while looking like a hitwoman at an Elvis convention. 
I had nothing to offer the intriguing girl but a one-night stand. I figured I’d revel in my last night of anonymity before my first tour and shoot her a quick “We’ll always have L.A.!” goodbye the next morning.
But nothing went according to plan. 
In one night, Violet crawled under my skin and into my bloodstream. She tattooed her name across my chest and between my legs. She became my muse. And then she was gone.
Now, months later, here she is again. And in a twist I never saw coming, it turns out Violet is ultra-violet radiation. Beautiful, ethereal light bringing with her the promise of damage and destruction. 
My brain tells me to walk away from this girl, but my heart can’t stop feeling like she might be one of a kind . . . the sort of girl who comes along once in a violet moon.

ROCKSTAR is a standalone romance, the love story of Dax Morgan and the electrifying woman who rocked his world during his journey to worldwide rock superstardom.

I received this book for free in exchange for an honest review. This does not affect my opinion of the book or the content of my review.

Rockstar by Lauren Rowe was an epic conclusion to Morgan Brothers series! This rock star romance was unique to Dax and yet fit the Morgan family’s book tone.

One of the greatest things about the entire Morgan Brother series, is that each one has his own personality and stays true and unique to each person throughout the series!

Dax is a little different than the other men in the family because he’s such an introvert where the others, especially Keane, are very outgoing. He’s sexy and a little broody, and just a total rockstar.

This one night stand turned so much more was sexy and angsty. There was surprise after surprise and just when you think things are smoothed over… WHAM! Dax and his girl are just hit with problem after problem.

The relationship between Dax and Violet is sexy, their connection is instant. Their chemistry is off the charts. My heart hurt for them throughout the book, but the grand gesture as amazing! Not to mention all of the songs that Dax wrote for Violet.


I loved how Violet tried to protect Dax even at her own expense. She was a strong heroine that didn’t put up with crap, and if she did, it wasn’t for long and it was for love. Their love story was lovely and endearing.

Rockstar was a forbidden, angsty, secret romance that will break your and is the perfect culmination of Lauren Rowe’s Morgan Brother series!

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