Pucked Love by Helena Hunting

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To finally get inside of Darren and Charlene's head in Pucked Love was thrilling, unexpected and a wild ride. This was such a bitter sweet read!
Pucked Love Series: Pucked #7

Released July 10, 2018

As an NHL player, relationships haven’t been my thing. Shrouded in secrecy and speculation, they never last very long. But then that’s what happens when you require an NDA before the first date.

Until Charlene. She’s like a firefly. She’s elusive, and if you catch her she’ll burn bright, but keeping her trapped dulls her fire and dims her beauty.

I caught her. And as much as I might want to keep her, I’ll never put the lid on her jar. Not at the risk of losing her. So I’ve let her set the rules in our relationship.

But as long hidden secrets expose us both, I discover exactly how fragile Charlene is, and how much I need her.

We’re all broken. We’re all messed up. Some more than others. Me more than most.

I received this book for free in exchange for an honest review. This does not affect my opinion of the book or the content of my review.


That’s it my friends. That is the end of the Pucked series and I loooved it so much. To finally get inside of Darren and Charlene’s head in Pucked Love was thrilling, unexpected and a wild ride. Darren and Charlene are both so broken and I hadn’t even realized it in the past novels. I thought that they just had a kinky sex life right along with their best friends.

Darren was so unexpectedly sweet, his genuine ignorance on what a ‘normal’ relationship should look like broke my heart while simultaneously had me falling in love with him. Watching him learn from his friends, because you can see him yearning to have what they do but not know how to achieve it was heartbreaking for me.

I also felt so sorry for Charlene, her family is honestly bat shit crazy. No freaking joke. On top of that like Darren, she started to desire what her friends have, but at the same time is scared to be tied down and needs her freedom. But I could easily relate to her isolated feeling, when all of your friends are in a certain type of relationship that you don’t have.

I melted for Darren, this man is sweet without realizing it, he is the perfect yin to Charlene’s yang. On top of that Pucked Love was filled with curve balls that I NEVER would have predicted. I was thrown for a loop and felt like I had been gut punched right along with Charlene. I feel like I’m making the entire story sound sad. Trust me, it’s not. There are moment’s of anxiety inducing fear for Darren and Charlene, but we still have Violet and the rest of the crew to bring the comedy to break up the tension.

I have completely and utterly enjoyed the journey we were taken on with this group of characters. I don’t know if there is another group of characters that feel more like friends than this group that I have enjoyed spending time with over the past couple of years.

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