PS I Miss You by Winter Renshaw

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 PS I Miss You by Winter Renshaw was a fast paced, sexy roommates to lovers romance that made my heart hurt and made me swoon!
PS I Miss You by Winter Renshaw
Series: PS #2

Released September 3, 2018

Dear Melrose,

The first time I met you, you were a stranger. The second time, you were my roommate. The third time, you made it clear you were about to become the biggest thorn my side had ever known.

You sing way too loud in the shower and use all the hot water.

You’re bossy as hell.

You make my life all kinds of complicated.

But no matter how hard I try, I can’t stop thinking about you.

Truthfully … I can’t stop wanting you.

I was going to tell you this. I was going to sit you down, swallow my pride, hang up my noncommittal ways and show you a side of me you nor anyone else has ever seen before … but then there was a game-changing confession; a bombshell so nuclear it stopped me in my tracks.

How I didn’t see this coming, I’ll never know.


P.S. I miss you.

PS I Miss You by Winter Renshaw was a fast paced, sexy roommates to lovers romance that made my heart hurt and made me swoon!

This in one of those books that has been sitting in my kindle unlimited borrows for quite a while and I finally decided that it was time to read it. I went in blind, just knowing that at one point it sounded good and had a cover I loved!

I really enjoyed how Melrose and Sutter really gave as good as they got from each other, one didn’t back down easily, but the animosity seemed to amplify the sexual tension between the two of them. The way both of their preconceived notions were burst wide open and they truly got to know each other instead was a sight to behold.

Once they quit fighting the tension and caved it was sexy as hell and I couldn’t wait for more! The big miss in PS I Miss You, really hurt my heart for Sutter and I was hoping it would be resolved quickly for his sake. Because GAH! My heart, y’all!

If you are looking for a quick, sexy yet emotional hate to lovers romance you need to read PS I Miss You!

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