Our Stop by Laura Jane Williams

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 Our Stop by Laura Jane Williams is a hilarious book filled with missed connections, witty banter and romantic gestures that will fall in love with!
Our Stop by Laura Jane Williams

Released June 13, 2019

What if you almost missed the love of your life?

Nadia gets the 7.30 train every morning without fail. Well, except if she oversleeps or wakes up at her friend Emma’s after too much wine.

Daniel really does get the 7.30 train every morning, which is easy because he hasn’t been able to sleep properly since his dad died.

One morning, Nadia’s eye catches sight of a post in the daily paper:

To the cute girl with the coffee stains on her dress. I’m the guy who’s always standing near the doors… Drink sometime?

So begins a not-quite-romance of near-misses, true love, and the power of the written word.

I received this book for free in exchange for an honest review. This does not affect my opinion of the book or the content of my review.

Our Stop by Laura Jane Williams is a hilarious book filled with missed connections, witty banter and romantic gestures!

I loved how Nadia and Daniel were constantly just moments and a simple decision away from meeting each other, but small decisions kept them apart. It makes you think maybe if I would have said yes, to that dinner with my friends, who could I have met? 

How many people are just moments away from meeting that could change our entire life? 

Another thing that I loved from Our Stop, were the references to a dating advice book, that advises you to ‘practice flirting’, make eye contact, keep your head out of your phone, look around smile and generally be friendly. Living in such a digital world this is such a key component that has really been over looked in the recent years, and this definitely something that we can all learn from a romance novel. 

I loved the honesty that Nadia and her best friends had when it came to the men they’ve dated and how they nick-named them because that’s what I’ve done in the past and it’s so relatable! Our Stop is a fun quick read with not just a couple that you will adore, but side characters that you will be invested in as well!

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