Not Even Bones by Rebecca Schaeffer

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Not Even Bones is Dexter meets This Savage Song in this dark fantasy about a girl who sells magical body parts on the black market — until she’s betrayed.
Not Even Bones by Rebecca Schaeffer
Series: Not Even Bones #1

Released September 4, 2018

Dexter meets This Savage Song in this dark fantasy about a girl who sells magical body parts on the black market — until she’s betrayed.

Nita doesn’t murder supernatural beings and sell their body parts on the internet—her mother does that. Nita just dissects the bodies after they’ve been “acquired.” But when her mom brings home a live specimen, Nita decides she wants out — dissecting living people is a step too far.

But when she tries to save her mother’s victim, she ends up sold on the black market in his place — because Nita herself is a supernatural being. Now Nita is on the other side of the bars, and there is no line she won’t cross to escape and make sure no one can ever capture her again.

Nita did a good deed, and it cost her everything. Now she’s going to do a lot of bad deeds to get it all back.

I received this book for free in exchange for an honest review. This does not affect my opinion of the book or the content of my review.

Not Even Bones wasn’t exactly what I expected, at all. I had anticipated dark and lots of subterfuge and murder. While all of things can accurately describe the book I just expected in to be with a higher intensity. The pacing for Not Even Bones was slow, as soon as things were just getting interesting the book was over.

I struggled to connect with Nita, our main character. She was likened to a villain and someone that people would hate. I didn’t hate her and I didn’t love her, I honestly didn’t connect and feel anything for her, although this could because she had been isolated socially most of her life and I wasn’t supposed to be able to connect with her.

I actually did enjoy our other main character, Kovit. He is a zannie, a monster that eats people’s pain. I love the violence and menace his character portrayed. He had interesting morals for such a “monster”. He kept me engaged in the story when Nita left me with something to be desired.

Overall I enjoyed the plot and concept of Not Even Bones, I just wish it would have sped up, because it was a tad redundant at times. I will read the next book in the series as I need to know what happens, and I hope that I feel more for Nita in the next book, I’m hoping for heart pounding moments.

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