I Knead You Tonight by Teagan Hunter

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 I Knead You Tonight by Teagan Hunter is an emotional hate to love romantic comedy with a single mother that will fall in love with.
I Knead You Tonight by Teagan Hunter
Series: Slice #2
Released October 17, 2019

I hate Drew Woods, and she hates me.

Even so, I’m not the cold jerk most make me out to be, and I have no problem moving the single mom and her baby into my home. I do, however, draw a line when it comes to acting on the way her loose lips make me feel.


She’s too mouthy, too prying, and her curves are way too distracting.

I might have lost my way after a nearly fatal car accident, but I’m not stupid. Giving in to Drew would be a short-lived fix for this pain I’m saddled with, and I knead something permanent.

I’d be insane to think what we have could be anything other than temporary…right?

I received this book for free in exchange for an honest review. This does not affect my opinion of the book or the content of my review.

I Knead You Tonight was a fun hate to lovers romance that I couldn’t put down. I fell completely in love with Winston and I want him for myself!

Not only was Winston a great book boyfriend, but Drew was such a bad ass single mom, she literally gives her son the shirt off of her back and makes so many sacrifices to make sure that her child never goes without!

These two have an interesting relationship, they’ve know each other for years, because Drew is Winston’s twin sisters best friend, who we met in in A Pizza My Heart, but even though they knew each other they didn’t, *know* each other. Does that make sense, because it should. They had many misconceptions about each other and watching them become friends and fall in love was adorable.

The things that Winston went out of his way to do for Drew were some of the sweetest things a hero could and he is so freaking funny! I died laughing at his antics several times throughout the story!

I Knead You Tonight is a must read for all romantic comedy lovers, Winston and Drew, along with their friends are sure to win your heart!

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