It Started with a Lie by Lisa Suzanne

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It Started with a Lie is the first half of Truth and Lie's Duet by Lisa Suzanne. It's an agsty read that will have you on edge waiting to see how it'll end.
It Started With A Lie by Lisa Suzanne

Released September 17, 2018

Bestselling author Lisa Suzanne’s newest duet features a fake relationship and enemies that might just become lovers.   Brian Fox is desperate for cash. When his business falls into debt, he turns yet again to his rock star brother. Only this time, his brother refuses to throw money at the problem…he intends to solve it. Enter Vivian Davenport, business fixer extraordinaire, supreme professional, and Brian’s new boss.

Brian has always called the shots, but now he’s the one taking orders. When the tiny lie that Vivian is his new girlfriend slips out, he’s forced to play the role of doting boyfriend to a woman he can’t stand.

It started as a lie, but what happens if it turns into the truth?

It Started with a Lie is the first book in the Truth and Lies duet.

I received this book for free in exchange for an honest review. This does not affect my opinion of the book or the content of my review.

It Started with a Lie is a lovely story where we see a character that we hated in the Like Destiny series get redeemed and then get our hearts ripped out and stomped on in the end. I can’t wait for It Ended with the Truth.

Talk about character development and evolution. We have seen Brian go from vindictive douche to a redeemed vulnerable hero. I loved getting to know Brian and crawl around in his head. I didn’t always understand where he was coming from, but I loved seeing him grow.

I felt anxious while reading It Started with a Lie, mostly because it’s a duet, so I know that no matter how great things are going in the moment that something HUGE will happen at the end that will completely pull the rug out from under me. And boy did it!

There is a simmering chemistry between Brian and Vivian, when they finally gave into each other it was a powerful, all consuming moment. I could sense throughout the book what they felt for each other.

It Started with a Lie is just the beginning of Brian and Vivian’s story and I can’t wait to see where the story goes from here.

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