It Ended with the Truth by Lisa Suzanne

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It Eneded with the Truth is the conclusion to the Truth and Lies Duet by Lisa Suzanne. Find out what happens after the bombshell was dropped.
It Ended with the Truth by Lisa Suzanne
Series: Truth & Lies Duet #2

Released October 11, 2018

Bestselling author Lisa Suzanne’s newest duet features a fake relationship and enemies that might just become lovers.

Telling the truth cost me everything.

My company. My friends. The girl I love.

I’m forced to start over, and it’s my brother who steps in once again. Working for his record label isn’t how I imagined my life when I owned my own company, and life on the road only makes me long for everything the truth cost me.

Is there a way to reclaim what was lost to the truth?

It Ended with the Truth is the second book in the Truth and Lies duet.

I received this book for free in exchange for an honest review. This does not affect my opinion of the book or the content of my review.

I really wanted to love It Ended with the Truth. I liked it, but I can’t say that I loved it, but this is partially my own fault, because I had thoughts on how all of this would play out and nothing happened the way I thought I would. I really struggled to fall in love with the actual story versus how I thought it would play out.

Brian had been burned in the past and he really holds on to grudges, and I’m talking *really* really holds on to them, harps on them and can’t get over them. The majority of It Ended with the Truth, was about Brian’s personal growth and wallowing, while attempting to get back on his feet after he seemingly lost everything.

I’m really not sure what to say about Vivian, I have a strange love hate relationship with her. I feel like she was on Brian’s case about his lies either blatant or by omission, when she was doing the exact same thing, and even used him a scapegoat as well. BUT at the same time I completely 100% get where she is coming from. It’s quite the conundrum trying to decide how I feel about her and this story over all.

While I was very happy with the final results of It Ended with the Truth, and I swooned on numerous occasions, my ideals on how the story would play out ultimately ruined an otherwise great book with great world building and execution. Grab the first book in the series, It Started with a Lie.

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