I Will Always Find You by Willow Sanders

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I Will Always Find You is the first book in the Jefe Cartel series and I can't wait to see where things go from here in this romantic suspense series.
I Will Always Find You by Willow Sanders
Series: Jefe Cartel #1

Released March 16, 2018

I Will
Cammie Saint isn’t a victim. Sure, she’s had a string of bad luck, the apartment break in then the attack in the parking lot. Sometimes life hands you lemons. Why is everyone so interested in her case? Even the new neighbor is sniffing around for clues. There are things she wants from the neighborhood Officer Hottie, but an interrogation wasn’t what she was thinking of.

That’s Special Agent Vaughn, DEA. Of all the places he thought he’d be, Kansas City wasn’t one of them. Chasing Jefe for the last seven years had expelled the last bit of tolerance he had for chasing down bad guys. To say he was ready to put this case to bed would be like calling World War 2 a minor disagreement amongst countries. Jefe had taken too much from him. Time, and other things he didn’t want to get into. He just needed to keep his eyes on the ball and definitely NOT on his new neighbor with an ass for days and a sad story.

Find You
Why is the Jefe cartel in Kansas City? A Colombian drug ring in Anywhere, USA? While Agent Vaughn searches for answers, Cammie finds herself thrown into a world she never expected. How will secrets from her past, compromise her future? What happens when someone who never wanted to be found, is discovered?

I Will Always Find You is part one of a two-part series. Fair warning, it ends on a cliffhanger.

I received this book for free in exchange for an honest review. This does not affect my opinion of the book or the content of my review.

I Will Always Find You by Willow Sanders is was such a good read. I anticipated a lot more suspense than there was but that didn’t stop me from reading, although now that the book is over we have SO SO many questions about will happen next. So many whys, that if I can’t even tell you, because hello spoilers!

The story was told in both Cammie and Vaughn’s points of view which I loved, because Cammie has obviously lived through things and her mind has repressed it, or she is in some serious and denial and has admitted things aloud or in her head, because there is something going on that we don’t know about! I am dying to know why Jefe is trying to find Cammie, because it’s obvious from the beginning that something is happening and right up until the end we still don’t know.

Vaughn, a DEA agent has been working for years to capture and put away Jefe and a few things were hinted at I feel like there are some shady people in one of the agencies or someone is trying to get him away from crucial information. I will be diving into the second book in this series ASAP. I can’t continue to live my life with all of these questions left unanswered!

I Will Always Find You is the first book in the Jefe Cartel series and I can’t wait to see where things go from here!

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