Honey Bee by Heather Shere

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 Honey Bee by Heather Shere is just as sweet as the title says, this is a must read small town, surprise pregnancy romance book.
Honey Bee
Released January 22, 2017

Love can be as sweet as honey, or it can sting like a bee. 

Bo Smith knows that if you go looking for honey, you get stung, so he has his life just how he wants it. No hassles, no complications, and no heartache. As the handsome high school athletics coach, he would be the pick of the small town he grew up in… if he was into commitment, or dating…or even calling back. But he has sworn off anything resembling a future and his mind isn’t going to change. 

Then his eyes lock on the new girl in town…She’s beautiful, intelligent, and full of surprises. Just the kind of complication he has been avoiding.

Sophia Brown is looking for the sweet simple life. She has it all planned out. Getting used to life alone isn’t easy, but she has her garden, her bees, and her dog Triton to tend to. It’s the fresh start she’s been dreaming of, surrounded by nothing but open fields to stare at all day. 

Nothing at all…unless you count the high school football team and their distractingly handsome coach, practicing right across the street.

When sparks fly, Bo must choose between the sting of his past or the sweetness of the future. 
He may just find that honey tastes good on everything.

I received this book for free in exchange for an honest review. This does not affect my opinion of the book or the content of my review.

Honey Bee is Heather’s debut novel and I freaking adored it! Honey Bee, just like the title is sweet! Such a sweet book and gah I loved it! I wish I could live in the Honey Bee world! It takes place in a small town and I love small town romances!

One of my first impressions of this book was that Heather was mixing things up a bit with the ‘spark’.

“The second our skin touches a spark goes through me. I pull it back quickly and rub my palm frowning. What the hell was that? Bo frowns. “Static,” he states gruffly.”

When I read this I did a little fist pump in the air because that’s what I would think if I ever ‘felt a spark’. And it just got better from there.

Sofia was adorbs and sweet and feisty and I really want to be her friend! He massive dog, King Triton is just as much a part of the story as any of the human in story and had such a great personality, in fact he might have been my favorite part of the book! Bo was a stubborn but sexy and sweet man that was really just holding on to guilt that he couldn’t figure out how to deal with which made him broody and hot and irresistible.

Do yourself a favor and check out this new author and fall in love with this book like I have, you won’t regret it.

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