The Guy on the Right by Kate Stewart

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The Guy on the Right by Kate Stewart

Released July 25, 2019

Strike One-My mother named me Theodore after her favorite chipmunk.

Not cool, Mom.

I‘ve spent most of my life answering to Teddy, because I couldn’t make Theo work.

Except for here. College. The place where all bets are off, and I’ve managed to redeem myself.
There’s only one problem, my new roommate, Troy, is football royalty and looks like he stepped off the set of an Abercrombie shoot.

Doesn’t matter, I cook a mean breakfast for his panty parade, and we get along well.
And anyway, this year I got the girl. And she’s perfect.

That’s right. Theodore Houseman, former band geek, now marching band rock star has finally landed the girl of his dreams.

Everything is perfect.

That is, until Troy takes a good look at her.

I’m not going down without a fight. As a matter of fact, I’m not going down at all. As glorious as these days may be for my all-star roommate, Laney is my end game.

I may not know much about play strategy, but I’ve been the good guy my whole life. I’ve been listening and I know exactly what women want. Framed in a picture standing next to me, Troy may seem like Mr. Perfect, but he’s underestimating the guy on the right.

Spoiler alert: In this story, the underdog is going to win.

The Guy on the Right by Kate Stewart was a hilarious friends to lovers, college romance!

The way that Theo and Laney met had me laughing, although OMG POOR THEO! I honestly don’t know how many times I felt bad for this sweet young man. He put his heart on the line and had it ripped out multiple times. Gah. I don’t know how he managed that and still held his head high.

Now Laney, man oh man, did I ever expect her to cave and give into the temptation that was standing right in front of her time and time again. I loved that once she set her mind on something she was determined to see it through. She was quirky as she could be and worked a ton of jobs that most people wouldn’t even consider!

What really made, The Guy on the Right, special was the fact that Theo and Laney actually got to know each other on a friendship level before moving forward. They could have rushed things, but instead they waited, Theo thinking they were in the friendzone, poor guy! And truly got to know each other in a way they wouldn’t have had they just jumped right into a relationship after meeting.

I’m a big fan or grand gestures and Oh my goodness! I looved Theo’s grand gesture, he woo’d the shit out of me along with Laney, her mom and her best friend.

Also, as a side note, I FREAKING LOOOVED Theo’s sisters!

There are so many things that I loved about The Guy on the Right, it’s a must read friends to lovers romantic comedy that you simply won’t want to put down!

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