Flip Trick by Amo Jones

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Flip Trick didn't do the the trick for me, but if you are looking for a twisted novel with and alpha hole then it is probably the perfect read for you.
Flip Trick by Amo Jones

Released July 23, 2018

I did something I had never done before.

I had a one-night stand.

Then in true me fashion, I left my phone at his house during my desperate venture to escape.

I tried hard to ignore the texts sent to my best friend’s phone…

Amethyst: Sup, these selfies are cute as shit, but your lips looked better wrapped around my…

I did NOT text him back.

I DID vow to never speak of him, or that night again…

I’m Amethyst Lily Tatum, and up until this point, I’d managed to maintain a fairly low-key life. I’m what you would call a socially unacceptable hot mess. Instead of partying, I’m skating, flipping ollie’s over guys who loved to underestimate me. Then I started college, met a wild girl who I would soon call my best-friend, had my first drunk one-night stand, left my phone at his house, and then, when I finally managed to meet my mom’s new boyfriend, I found out that my one-night stand, was now my new stepbrother.

I received this book for free in exchange for an honest review. This does not affect my opinion of the book or the content of my review.

I haven’t read any of Amo Jones’s work in a while, but I am a sucker for step brother romances and this cover is to DIE FOR! Unfortunately something was missing for me. I felt little to no connection to Amethyst and Maddox. The side characters who were all supposed to be close to them felt forced and I didn’t see the things that I was told was there.

All of Flip Trick felt like I was being told the story of Maddox and Ame, I did not live and breathe this story. I couldn’t tell you why the characters were in love with each other, but they *had* a feral kind of love, and by feral they mean borderline abusive sex. Also, they would kill for each other, because what spells love more than willing to kill for someone?

The plot of Flip Trick had such great potential, I love the idea and premise. Were there things thrown in just for shock factor that in reality had a much, much easier solution? Hell yes. Did I think if Maddox as sexy or appealing? Not in the least, outside of that tongue ring, I found him to be a total alpha hole and not in a good way.

No one in this book did it for me. From the sex to the characters, it was a wash. It was one of those cases where you think if I read just a little bit more then I maybe I will get into and then the next thing you know you are 70% into a book and it finally picks up and you need to know what happens.

Flip Trick didn’t do the the trick for me, but if you are looking for a twisted novel with and alpha hole then it is probably the perfect read for you.

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