Fire and Heist by Sarah Beth Durst

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Fire and Heist Book Review
Fire & Heist by Sarah Beth Durst

Released December 4, 2018

In Sky Hawkins’s family, leading your first heist is a major milestone–even more so than learning to talk, walk, or do long division. It’s a chance to gain power and acceptance within your family, and within society. But stealing your first treasure can be complicated, especially when you’re a wyvern–a human capable of turning into a dragon.

Embarking on a life of crime is never easy, and Sky discovers secrets about her mother, who recently went missing, the real reason her boyfriend broke up with her, and a valuable jewel that could restore her family’s wealth and rank in their community.

With a handpicked crew by her side, Sky knows she has everything she needs to complete her first heist, and get her boyfriend and mother back in the process. But then she uncovers a dark truth about were-dragon society–a truth more valuable and dangerous than gold or jewels could ever be.

Oh my goodness, what a fun book!! I absolutely adored Fire and Heist!

From the beginning I was captivated by this plot, although I have read one other dragon shifter book it was nothing like Fire and Heist, in fact that story can’t hold a handle to this one in my opinion. Fire and Heist is likened to the Ocean’s movies and Dungeons and Dragons. 

I loved the journey that Sky went on, not only the physical journey, but also the emotional journey where she learned so much about herself and the strength that she has in herself. She was often called arrogant, but in my opinion she was more self assured than anything. She knew who she was and she fought to get her position back, even if it meant going against her families wishes.

The side characters played a vital role in this story and they were well developed and I felt as if I knew them as well as I knew Sky. I loved how Sarah Beth Durst was able to add in the mythical unicorn in the story as well. 

Outside of a bit of repetition in the beginning Fire and Heist was the most fun I’ve had reading this year. I think that anyone who enjoys fiction will enjoy this story and it’s suitable for most ages, as long as you don’t mind kissing. 

If you are wanting a book that will take you on an adventure then I highly recommend you read Fire and Heist!

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