Dibs by Kristi Pelton

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 Dibs is a second chance romance, a single mom, post divorce goes on a cruise and meets a handsome stranger, but she wonders if it can last.
Dibs by Kristi Pelton

Released January 16, 2016

Dibs—a game that spanned over two decades between three friends. My best friends, Juls, Kat and me. It’s easy. One girl calls dibs on a guy making him off limits to the others. It’s a game of ‘what if’ and who saw the hot guy first. Honestly, the ‘dibs’ guy never panned out…yet. But it was tradition and you never screw with tradition…

I’m Dr. Samantha Williams—queen of banter, following rules and divorced from the biggest ass in ex-husband history. Fighting hard to swallow my OCD ways and get lost on a luxury cruise liner for 12 days—all for the sake of friendship. Yep, drinks and dibs!

A wedding party going on a cruise together? Come on! Get real. 12 days of torture! I’m Mac McAllister – I don’t discuss my past. I’ve never done relationships. Rules? What rules… Yet, the moment that woman walked away from me after putting me in my place, all I could think was—challenge accepted. Who did she think she was? I’ll tell you…she was a woman that slayed me with her smile and murdered me with her wit… She may not need me, but after all these years, I finally needed someone. It was her.

Mac McAllister is about to learn the rules of Dibs.

The game of Dibs is about to change.

This is the first book by Kristi that I read and it was fantastic and can’t wait to pick up more books by her!

Dibs is a game where you call “dibs” on a man that is so hot he is unattainable and your friends can’t hit on him.

Sam is a divorced OB with a 15 year old son who never takes time for herself, because she is always trying to take care of everyone else. Her best friend, Becca, who is dying of cancer convinces her that it is okay and that she needs to go on a 12 day cruise with her other best friends, Kat and Juls.

Mac, another guest on the cruise, knows exactly how to please a woman and make her give up control. He can’t get enough of the sexy, witty, funny and sarcastic Sam. She makes him want things that he’s never had before or wanted before.

Will this dibs relationship turn into more or will things end with the cruise?

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