Dear Heart, I Hate You by J. Sterling

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Dear Heart, I Hate You by J Sterling

Released May 7, 2016

I didn’t plan on him.
Or for him.
Or anything that had to do with Cal Donovan from Boston.
Meeting him had been a complete and utter surprise, taking me one hundred percent off guard. I met new people every single day in my line of work and none of them affected me. Wasn’t that the way of things though? You could meet a thousand people and they’d all mean nothing to you. But then you’d meet that one and they suddenly meant everything.

Do you know what really pushed Dear Heart, I Hate You over the top to the 5 star ranking for me?

Jules reacted to the situations she was put in the exact same way that I would have. The way she would analyze and justify situations and convince herself everything would work and that she had been over-thinking everything and that things were ‘fine’. I think we have all been there.

Dear Heart, I Hate You was an epic story that starts with a chance meeting with a man who lives on the other of the country. Will they move past the distance and meet in the middle?

Cal says that being away from Jules causes his heart to physically hurt. The prose in Dear Heart, I Hate You took my breath away at times and if I was reading it instead of listening on audio I would have passages upon passages highlighted.

I was listening to this story as I was filing at work, and when someone would interrupt me, it was like they were pulling out of a hazy fog, because I was so immersed in the story. I had to shake it off to remember I was still at work. Between J. Sterling and the narrators the story truly came to life for me.

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