Come Again by Jiffy Kate

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Come Again takes you on a journey of healing and the love story of two people who were meant to be even if it wasn't an easy journey to get there.
Come Again by Jiffy Kate

Released November 30, 2018

WOMEN HAVEN’T BEEN HIRED TO WORK IN MY BAR FOR A REASON: they’re too tempting and too distracting—too much of a liability—even if they are good for business…

That’s why I shocked myself by hiring Avery Cole. She’s young, carefree, and happy—a beautiful distraction. When she’s around, the devastation of my past gets buried under layers of lust and desire… hints of a life I once lived but have completely given up on.

I’ve already had my love and now that’s gone; there’s no need to try again. Even if love is staring me right in the face with a pair of deep brown eyes and no expectations.

He’s rude, abrasive, sexy—and my boss. He’s also broken in ways I would never have seen if I hadn’t been looking.

Which means he should be off limits; my heart and body cannot handle his baggage. I’m on a quest to find myself, and Shaw O’Sullivan will only get in my way and drag me down.

Where I’m light, he’s dark. We don’t mix and neither of us are looking for love, so what happens when it finds us anyway?

I received this book for free in exchange for an honest review. This does not affect my opinion of the book or the content of my review.

Come Again by Jiffy Kate is a beautiful story of redemption and second chances.

This second boon in the French Quarter collect has such a vibrant setting that I was easily transported there as I was reading. The setting is practically a character in it’s own right. The French Quarter is where Avery escaped to, scared and on the run and ready to be on her own for the first time in her life.

Avery is a strong woman for what she went through before fleeing. One she made up her mind she was determined to not be take advantage of and grew a backbone and stood up for herself. I love a strong heroine, and that is exactly what we got in Come Again. She knew what she wanted and didn’t stop until she got exactly that, a job and a safe place to live.

We met Shaw in Blue Bayou, he’s a mysterious, brooding closed off man. The more we get to know him we realize that he is a giving caring man that had been devastated and since then closed himself off to love believing that he wouldn’t get or didn’t deserve a second chance. Watching this beautiful brooding man slowly open up was an emotional journey throughout Come Again.

Come Again takes you on a journey of healing and the love story of two people who were meant to be even if it wasn’t an easy journey to get there. If you are looking for a slowburn second chance you should grab Come Again today.

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