Can’t Text This by Teagan Hunter

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Can't Text This, the third book in Teagan Hunter's Texting Series. This is single father romantic comedy that will have you laugh out loud.
Can't Text This by Teagan Hunter

Released October 11, 2018

“Hi Monty. Wanna see my python?”

That’s how I ended up in the bathroom of some dive bar with a stranger.

Me, Monty Andrews, the quintessential virgin girl next door.

I was so out of my element, but there was no denying our explosive attraction, even via text.

Commence Operation Bang Each Other Out of Our Systems, because that was all it was—unfinished business.

I had no intention of falling back into the sheets with the tattooed, muscly, dirty-in-the-best-kind-of-way single dad over and over again…but I did.

Everything was going great—until we discovered I was his son’s teacher.

This book does feature characters from Let’s Get Textual & I Wanna Text You Up but can be read as a standalone, as the book does not follow the same timeline.

I received this book for free in exchange for an honest review. This does not affect my opinion of the book or the content of my review.

Can’t Text This was just as good, if not better than the other two book in the series. Although, it was a *tad* predictable it didn’t take away from the hilarious execution of the story.

I’ve wanted Robbie’s story from the beginning, if you’ve read my review of I Wanna Text You Up, you know that I originally shipped Robbie and Zoe. Once again I would have been wrong, Monty is the perfect my match for Robbie.

Monty and Robbie are the epitome of opposites attract. The ‘good girl’ and the ‘bad boy’ and the two together were perfection! I really loved getting to see a deep look into Robbie, from his friendship with Zach to his relationship with his son. I loved how this ‘one time thing’ turned into more.

Monty and Robbie’s texting was hilarious, witty as they transformed from strangers, who almost hooked up in the bathroom, to best friends who couldn’t get enough of each other. I loved watching their desire transform from something originally sexual to something more emotional and deep.

I cannot recommend Can’t Text This along with the rest of this series by Teagan Hunter more. I don’t even have the right words to tell you how much I loved it. JUST READ THESE DANG BOOKS!!

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