But First, Coffee by Sarah Darlington

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But First Coffee is an office romance with light fun subterfuge. and highly caffeinated. She’s the boss. I’m only a barista in her company.
But First, Cofffee by Sarah Darlington

Released September 10, 2018

She’s the boss.
I’m only a barista in her company.

I really don’t give a f**k about her one way or the other.

And then there’s Doug Maddox, a man with a lot of power over me. He’s blackmailing me. Making me spy on her. I’m supposed to find her weaknesses and destroy her. But the closer I get, the more the lines between us start to blur.

She’s sweet. She’s kind. She’s sexy as hell.
Why am I the only man who see’s this?

So now I’m stuck—between keeping my sister safe against Doug, because that’s what’s really at stake here, and these feelings I can’t deny for a woman who shouldn’t mean anything to me.

I know what I have to do. I’ll destroy her.
It doesn’t matter if I have to destroy my own heart in the process.

I received this book for free in exchange for an honest review. This does not affect my opinion of the book or the content of my review.

But First, Coffee was a cute book low on the angst, although it had potential for more fall out than there was, and I read it all in one day.

I think what I really adored the most about this story was Joe. He was a breath of fresh air hero! In fact, he’s the complete opposite of the the jerk alpha heroes I’ve read lately and I couldn’t get enough of him. He was sweet and romantic and tender. And goodness I just want to hug him!

Lana was a little more difficult to figure out, I liked her well enough, but she was supposed to be a career driven woman who spent all of her time at her office, sleeping under her desk, but I never felt like she was actually doing any work.

But First, Coffee was a fun, flirty read that dealt with lots of sexual harassment issues any many different facets without diving too deep into them. As I reading But First, Coffee, I really enjoyed it but as I’m sitting here the next day I’m realizing there were several things that I found issue with.

If you want to take this story at face value it is a light and fun read with a sexy, delicious hero that you won’t be able to resist. So, if you want deep you will probably be annoyed, but if you want light you will be delighted!

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