Blue Bayou by Jiffy Kate

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If you are looking for a story about a sweet inn keeper swept off her feet with all of the southern charm, Blue Bayou is the perfect read for you!
Blue Bayou by Jiffy Kate

Released August 30, 2018

The road to self-discovery leads Maverick Kensington deep into the heart of New Orleans. The colorful characters, beautiful scenery and the hot mess of a woman he finds along the way offer him the perfect place to reinvent himself.

The French Quarter and Blue Bayou are exactly the change of pace he’s looking for, helping him escape the soul-sucking work he does for his father’s company.

Carys Matthews is young and inexperienced. Having her family’s hotel dropped in her lap after her mother’s untimely death, she’s struggling to keep her head above water and keep the hotel’s doors open. She doesn’t have time for relationships, but Maverick Kensington is worth an exception. Besides, his stay is temporary and a fling never hurt anyone, right?

His passion and business know-how are exactly what she needs.

Her carefree spirit is what he wants.

Their whirlwind relationship is one for the books until truths are untold and assumptions are made. Everything comes to a screeching halt just when they were getting to the good part.

There’s always been a saying around the hotel: eventually, everyone comes back to the Blue Bayou. Will Maverick be the exception again?

I received this book for free in exchange for an honest review. This does not affect my opinion of the book or the content of my review.

Blue Bayou by Jiffy Kate was a sexy and fun read. I adored the meet cute between Carys and Maverick, it was a messy and you could feel their instant connection. These two literally couldn’t keep the other far from mind from the beginning. I really enjoyed how they instantly made exceptions and went of the way for each other.

I not only fell in love with Mav and Carys, but the other characters and how they were Carys family and how they helped and protected her. I was particularity fond of the Blue Bayou and the the New Orleans setting. The setting was almost a character itself.

One of my favorite things in romance is watching the couple go from lust and developing into so much more, from the instant exhilarating attraction, to actually getting to know each other and building a foundation together that when it gets rocked things and knocked around they can still rebuild and what they thought was lost.

The ending of Blue Bayou was everything that I could ask for and more. I couldn’t wipe the smile of my face. If you are looking for a story about a sweet inn keeper swept off her feet with all of the southern charm, Blue Bayou is the perfect read for you!

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