Black Swan Affair by K.L. Kreig

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 Black Swan Affair by K.L. Kreig is a twisty, dark, love triangle romance novel that will grip you and have you on the edge of your seat throughout!
Black Swan Affair by K.L. Kreig

Released October 17, 2017

I’ve loved him as long as I can remember.

The gangly boy with big brown eyes and unruly hair who grew up into an intoxicating man. He wears scruff like he invented it and ambles with a swagger that makes panties drop.

Killian Shepard.


We grew up together. We played Ghost in the Graveyard. Had our own rock band. It didn’t matter that he was five years older than me. It didn’t matter that he looked at me as a kid sister even as I grew into woman. It didn’t even matter when he left me behind to go to college and start his adult life.

He’d be back.
He was always meant to be mine.

He came back, all right. But instead of smelling of promises, he stunk of betrayal. And he destroyed me—us—the day he married my sister instead of me.

So I did the only thing a girl like me in my position could do.

I got my revenge.
I married his brother, Kael.
Now we’re one big happy f*cking family.

I received this book for free in exchange for an honest review. This does not affect my opinion of the book or the content of my review.

From the very beginning of Black Swan Affair I was attempting to put together the puzzle, but the moment I thought I had it all figured out, the timeline would flip and I wasn’t sure if I had it right or not. I didn’t know if I was rooting for Kael or Killian until the very end.

Both men made mistakes in my eyes, although they were forgivable, they were HUGE.

The love and hate these characters felt for each other was palpable. I needed to know how Black Swan Affair ended and who she ended up with, I was so engrossed in trying to figure it out that when we got toward the end I was completely and utterly blindsided by what was truly going on I was in shock. I sat there and just stared at the pages for a good five minutes processing what I just read before I could move on.

Black Swan Affair is told from two perspectives and three different time lines, one, that starts 12 years back, one that starts 11 months back and your current time line. This book does get complex and you will be on the edge of your seat trying to figure out what is going on and where to go from there.

I want more from some of the characters in this book, two in particular, but I won’t name names to keep from spoiling anything for you.

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