Best Laid Plans by LK Farlow

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Best Laid Plans is a secret baby and best friends brothers romance that hit me right in the gut. It was balanced perfectly with heart and humor.
Best Laid Plans by LK Farlow

Released October 18, 2018

The summer before my senior year of high school I had only one goal: to make Alden Warner see me as more than his best friend’s annoying little sister.

Finally, my wish came true and he noticed me. In a big way. Too bad that the next morning he had no memory of our night together, leaving me heartbroken, and as I later discovered…pregnant.

For the last four years, I’ve been rocking the single mom thing, making sure my daughter comes first. In fact, everything is going fine—until Alden storms back into my life, as my new boss.

His reappearance wasn’t something I planned for. Add my nosy, meddlesome three-year-old and an overprotective brother, and I’m obviously in way over my head.

My only hope now is that I can sway Alden to see things my way…but you know what they say about the best laid plans…

I received this book for free in exchange for an honest review. This does not affect my opinion of the book or the content of my review.

Best Laid Plans is my new favorite from LK Farlow! It was emotional, humorous and heartwarming.

As a single mother with a son from a one night stand, I was able to relate to and understand Natalie in a way that I’m not sure everyone will be able too. She is forced to make some very difficult decisions at a very young age and although she may regret them, I get it it and have made the same decisions myself.

Alden is such a perfect hero, but not in an overly gross unrealistic way. He was flawed to perfection, if that makes sense. He was a great man, and even better father. His reaction to discovering his daughter felt so authentic, they way he conducted himself with Tatum and Natalie brought tears to my eyes in many instances.

I think the most heartbreaking scenes were when Tatum asked about her father and the way she instantly bonded with Alden, not eve knowing who he was their connection was pure and immediate.

I cannot say enough good things about this story, and probably the best part of all is the epilogue takes us right into Natalie’s brothers story and I can’t wait for it!!!

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