Bed Wrecker by Kim Karr

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Bed Wrecker by Kim Karr
Series: Men of Laguna #2

Released November 2, 2016

Every girl has had a broken heart.
Every girl knows love hurts.
Every girl has a story.

This is mine…

My name is Maggie May and I met him under a haze of purple lights. As cliché as it sounds he was tall, dark, and handsome as hell, and I had fireworks in my eyes…literally.

It was New Year’s Eve and beneath the magic of all that glitters and shines, I fell for him and his wicked ways. The way he moved, the way he touched me, the way he brought me to orgasm over and over.

You should know that I don’t believe in love. Fairytales and happily-ever-afters are never anything I’ve dreamed of…until him.

Something changed the moment our eyes met. It wasn’t insta-lust or insta-love, it was simply him and me, and the dance floor at our feet.

The problem is our story ended three days after it started.
But now he’s back.
And he says he’s sorry.

Can I believe him?
Do I want to believe him?

He calls me his bedwrecker…but what if he wrecks me?

As soon as I finished reading, No Pants Required, I knew I *needed* Maggie’s story. She had to have her own happily ever after. Even if she didn’t believe in them.

Ever chapter of Bed Wrecker is a title from a Taylor Swift song, as Maggie was inspired by T. Swift. I think that Kim did and excellent job picking titles that fit each chapter.

I have highlighted TONS in Bed Wrecker!!

Maggie and Keen had some extreme chemistry, is was palpable and it popped out the pages.

Once again, I found the perfecting line to sum up this novel, but it doesn’t even do it justice. Because Kim has written this so well that you will be so angry at Keen, but sympathize with Maggie that you won’t be able to get enough of this book.

Meeting. F’ing. Texting. Sexting. Him ghosting me. Him wooing me back.

Because really we all want to be woo’d.

I really really hope that there is another book in this series.

P.S. The ending of this book is probably my favorite ending in a very long time!

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