Bad Penny by Staci Hart

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Bad Penny by Staci Hart

Released June 13, 2017

She says she has a three date rule. She thinks she doesn’t do serious. She thinks she’s prepared for me.

And I’m about to prove her wrong.

Penny has no idea I’m the chubby, nerdy kid she went to high school with—I shed that baby fat on a surfboard after graduation, though I am still a massive nerd, spending the bulk of my time and energy coding my video game. The last thing I expect to find in New York is her.

The second I see her smile, I recognize her: the girl I’d crushed on since sophomore year. The girl who dated the biggest asshole in our school—the same guy who might have ruined her for me.

She can tell herself all day that she won’t fall for me, but she doesn’t stand a chance. Because I know exactly what I want, and it’s her. And I’ll do whatever it takes to have her.

But everyone has limits, and Penny will test mine. And the moment I have her heart in my hand is the moment I stand to lose her forever.

“I’m just like a bad penny too. I always turn up. There’s no getting rid of me.”

Well, I really really wanted to love Bad Penny! I was excited to finally find a promiscuous heroine in Penny, but the reason behind why she was the way she was just irritated me. And just really over the top for me. I moved past that and I was like oh well we all have our quirks, but then the first 40% give or take was the couple banging! Gah! Once you get passed that the story really picks up and I really enjoyed it, but I can’t give this all the stars when most of what I read was sex.

“I don’t need a man to be happy. I just need a man for my vagina to be happy but that b***h doesn’t run my life.”

Bad Penny was a very frustrating read for me, I did love our hero though flat out adored him and hated the heart break that he had to endure, but all is fair in love and war and I’m glad that love conquered all once again.

If you want a ‘banging’ read, check this out, I’m sure you will enjoy it more than I did, it was also hilarious and is sure to make you giggle!

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