Angry Annie by Dawn L Chiletz

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Angry Annie is laugh out loud hilarious with ample gardening innuendos!! This story is once again unlike anything I have ever read!
Angry Annie by Dawn Chiletz

Released July 28, 2018

 Joslyn Walters has goals:

1. Infiltrate the life of the internet troll, Annie McClintonuck, who wrote a nasty review for her sister’s bakery before it even opened.

2. Write an article exposing Annie for a fraud, thereby catapulting Joslyn’s stalled career from fact-checker to journalist.

3. Flirt with, but don’t fall for, said troll’s hot, seemingly shy, incredibly edible next door neighbor, Rhode Bennett.

4. Try not to let one week change her life.

Not all trolls are cute and fuzzy but some lemons are gold in disguise.

I received this book for free in exchange for an honest review. This does not affect my opinion of the book or the content of my review.

Angry Annie is laugh out loud hilarious with ample gardening innuendos!! This story is once again unlike anything I have ever read! Dawn Chiletz has a way of telling a story that I have never read before. Her story telling is unique and flawless and I am constantly looking for a new story from her. I never know what I will find between each cover, and Angry Annie was is no exception.

Can I just tell you that Annie reminded me a bit of my grandmother, except well… I don’t think that my grandmother would be quite so pervy or cuss? Annie is hilarious, and she obviously makes this movie what it is, hence the title, but it was so much more than a little angry woman. (But she is that) Except when she is drunk and that my friends is special and hilarious!

Outside of Angry Annie we also have Josslyn and Annie’s neighbor who is a hot as sin landscaper, throw in a cop who is persistent and keeps showing up at the worst times and Joss’s crazy family this story is a quick read brimming with romantic comedy gold. Not to mention several cringe worthy moments, trust me, when you read this you will know exactly what I’m referring too!

If you are looking for a romantic comedy with an original plot line, look no further than Angry Annie!

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