Amuletto Kiss by Gina LaManna

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I don't think I have ever gasped as much while reading as I have reading Amuletto Kiss. I spent so much time ping ponging through different emotions.
Amuletto Kiss by Gina LaManna
Series: Magic & Mixology #5

Released May 4, 2018

Hold your loved ones close, islanders… 

Life for Lily Locke has not been normal ever since she learned of her witchy heritage, but now more than ever, her world is spiraling out of control.

When a series of strange events begins to tear her beloved island apart, it’s up to the famed Mixologist to seek out the most powerful wizard in the world and spare him from death.

However, as Lily begins the hunt for the Master of Magic, she encounters a prophecy that could destroy everyone she’s come to know and love.

…there is darkness on the horizon. 

I received this book for free in exchange for an honest review. This does not affect my opinion of the book or the content of my review.

Ahh!! So good!!

Oh my gosh!! Gina killed it again! I couldn’t get enough and I can’t wait for more! Ranger X has stolen my heart even more!! Amuletto Kiss will have your brain and emotions all over the map trying to figure out what will happen next!

With every Magic and Mixology book we learn more about Lily and her status as Mixologist and everything that entails. With every new development another layer of mystery is added in Amuletto Kiss. I think I have things figured out and I realize that I will never be able to predict what will happen next in these stories, but it’s safe to say that I will LOOOVE IT!

I don’t think I have ever gasped as much while reading as I have reading Amuletto Kiss. I spent so much time ping ponging through different emotions, from anger and outrage to lust and love that I didn’t know I would land when all was said and done. I’m still reeling from the ending and to say I’m still in a state of shock and awe is an understatement!

If you haven’t had the opportunity to dive into the Magic and Mixology world, I highly recommend you start with Hex on the Beach and begin binge reading this series!

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