Amazing Grayson by M.E. Carter

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Amazing Grayson is an over 40 romance that deals with struggles of a single mom and man who helps her remember that she is a woman, not just a mom.
Amazing Grayson by M.E. Carter

Released August 16, 2018

They’re going to have the ride of their lives…

Greer Declan is finally settling into her new town. After a nasty divorce and an ex who ended up in prison (isn’t karma great sometimes?), it was finally time to start somewhere new. That somewhere is Flinton, Texas… home of Vikings football, her big brother Jack, and All Hands Farm – a dairy farm that specializes in helping special needs high schoolers learn vital life skills.

Grayson Whitman, known as Ace to his friends, has spent his life taking care of others. From his mother, to his brother, to the kids in the specialized program he runs, his life has never really been his own. He’s not complaining. He’s just… bored. That is, until Greer’s son Oli joins the program.

Neither have conventional situations But Greer and Ace quickly learn that life’s difficulties are actually what makes it amazing.

I received this book for free in exchange for an honest review. This does not affect my opinion of the book or the content of my review.

I adored Amazing Grayson, and that really the surprised me. I don’t typically enjoy reading about couples over 40, I find it it a little more difficult to relate to their struggles. I related to Greer a lot more than I anticipated, she is a struggling single mom and book editor. Meet me, a single mom who is a book blogger. #twinning-ish

So there are many differences between myself and Greer, I’m not divorced, I only have one son and he’s not on any spectrum, but I still believe that all mothers can relate with what Greer has gone through and her your life completely revolves around your child once you have one. If someone calls with a problem with your kid you have to drop everything and go.

Grayson is one special man! The way he not only treated Greer, but he children was nothing short of heart melting. He had me falling in love with him just by loving her children and putting her ahead of needs ahead of his own. He actually took the time to woo her and make her feel like a woman and not just a mom.

Amazing Grayson was a great read that had me enamored from the start!

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