All I Need by Jennifer Van Wyk

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All I Need by Jennifer Van Wyk is an emotional story that will have you laughing crying and smiling. The characters and the town will steal your heart!
All I Need by Jennifer Van Wyk

Released October 25, 2018

It took me years to get over my fiancé sleeping with another woman. I thought my luck with men had finally turned around until I walked in on my new fiancé with my maid-of-honor.
I’m done with men entirely. I’m definitely old enough to know better than to let that happen to me again. Trust isn’t something I have in me to give… to anyone. At least, not anymore.
Besides, even if I wanted to give someone my everything, I have nothing left to give. Now, if Walker could be just a tad less handsome, his relationship with his nephew not quite as sexy and his body… well, let’s not get crazy. His body is just a gift to womankind.

The moment I laid eyes on Ellie, I knew she’d be full of spit and vinegar. And why wouldn’t she be? She’d just caught her fiancé with her maid of honor – and they weren’t chatting about the upcoming nuptials.
I can’t help but push her buttons, she’s sexy as hell when she’s fired up. Or cooking dinner with Miss Polly, or… well, any time, really. Maybe having her work for me in my vet clinic wasn’t the smartest move I’ve ever made considering I can’t stop my body from aching for her.
She said she was done with men entirely, that she’s broken. Still, I can’t help but hope that she realizes she’s All I Need.

I received this book for free in exchange for an honest review. This does not affect my opinion of the book or the content of my review.

OH MY GOSH! All I Need was crazy amazing!! I’ve read a couple other novels by Jennifer Van Wyk, and the were good, but there was just something about All I Need that really set it apart, it a great story and so unlike anything else I have ever read before.

From the beginning, Ellie’s story seems a tad cliche, walking in on her fiancee hooking up with the maid of honor, but All I Need is so far from cliche, it took what is a common romance trope put it in a blender and poured it back out in completely unique way.

All I need was poignant, amusing and endearing. Masterful. The patience that Walker displayed, along with the way fate brought him and Ellie together through such crazy events was serendipitous and romantic. I don’t know that there are enough adjectives to explain what all I felt while reading.

Not only did I absolutely adore the love story between Walker and Ellie, but I adored the way the entire town of Liberty loved and accepted Ellie for who she was and genuinely brought her into the fold and made her finally feel like she belonged and wasn’t just an outsider. From Miss Polly and Grayson to the couple who owned the farm and the couple that owned the coffee shop. All I Need is truly a special story about accepting people as they are and showing them what unconditional love is.

Pick up a copy of All I Need and fall in love with Ellie, Walker and the rest of liberty in this one of a kind second chance romance novel.

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