A Tangled Ruse by Laura Beers

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A Tangled Ruse is the fourth book in the Beckett Files series and was the perfect follow up and I can't wait to see what is to come!
A Tangled Ruse
Released July 1, 2018

 After a failed abduction attempt, Lady Rachel is sent into hiding on her uncle’s estate near the sleepy village of Rockcliffe on the shores of Scotland. As she struggles to cope with the nightmares of her past, she unwittingly stumbles into even greater danger than she left behind. And this time, Shadow isn’t around to save her.

Luke Beckett, the Marquess of Downshire, was content running his stud farm in solitude, far from the scheming of the devious women of Society. That is, until his neighbor’s infuriatingly contrary niece rides into his life. Hiding behind the guise of a common horse trainer, he begins to form a peculiar friendship with Lady Rachel, without the constraints of his title. However, the longer the ruse continues, the more Luke realizes there is much more at stake than just their friendship.

With the looming threat of a French invasion, Luke and Rachel must work together to stop the tangled web of treachery before it is too late. When the truth is finally revealed, will they have the strength to trust each other with their hearts, or will the fear of rejection destroy their relationship before it has a chance to begin?

I received this book for free in exchange for an honest review. This does not affect my opinion of the book or the content of my review.

Is there anything better than a brooding hero?? Luke the Marquess of Downshire is just another example of a hot brooding, alpha! What I really enjoyed about, A Tangled Ruse, along with the rest of the Beckett Files by Laura Beers is that the women are just as fierce as the men are, if not more! It’s like they were feminist, before feminism was cool or a thing really.

A Tangled Ruse did not lack when it came to action, drama and tears! Laura Beers takes you on a journey back in time in the fight against Napoleon and the French. Rachel who have met in the previous book was sent to stay with her aunt and uncle to be kept safe from an attempted abduction was thrust right into the the thick of a French invasion, where she met the difficult and challenging Luke/John.

A Tangled Ruse not only refers to their love match, but also the invasion and how tactical the soldiers are being to invade Scotland. So much was happening and so many different forces were at play in this story that you kept rooting for Rachel and the British. The story was charming and intense and I can’t wait to see what will happen next!

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