A Pizza My Heart by Teagan Hunter

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 A Pizza My Heart by Teagan Hunter was a slice of laughter and a slice of sweetness all wrapped in cute friends to lovers story.
A Pizza My Heart by Teagan Hunter

Released June 20, 2019

Most people would probably be embarrassed to land themselves back in their hometown and working at a pizzeria after an ugly divorce.

Not me.

It’s home, and I have one last shot to make Wren Daniels see me as more than just her brother’s best friend.

When the opportunity to show her what’s been right in front of her this whole time presents itself, I take it, holding nothing back this time.

Wren thinks we’re pretending, but there’s nothing fake about the way I feel.

After all, she’s always had…a pizza my heart.

Standalone Brother’s Best Friend Romcom!

I received this book for free in exchange for an honest review. This does not affect my opinion of the book or the content of my review.

I will admit it. I’ve been cranky when it comes to books lately. 

For a person who readily admits hates angst is upset that there was no angst.

I knew going in that A Pizza My Heart was going to be low on the drama and angst and I still dove in wholeheartedly expecting I don’t know… some drama?

Her brother being pissed at his best friend for making a move on his sister? But nope. I didn’t head these warnings when going in, like when I read it the outcome would be different. Silly, silly me.

What Teagan promised is exactly what she delivered with A Pizza My Heart, a cute love story that was low on drama and angst. She delivered with her signature snark and witty one liners but I just hoped for a little more.

A Pizza My Heart was a slice of laughter and a slice of sweetness all wrapped in cute friends to lovers story. I absolutely adored the side characters and Wren’s father were really parts of the story and I can’t wait to see where this series goes from here!

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